Morphological identification, pathogenicity and in vitro chemical control of the causal agent of crown rot in strawberry
La pudrición de la corona en fresa Fragaria x ananassa Duch causa una necrosis del tejido en el eje de las hojas y podredumbre de la corona, que al final termina con el colapso de la planta. En la presente investigación se realizó la identificación morfológica del agente causal de plantas enfermas provenientes de Zamora, Michoacán, también se evaluó la patogenicidad y se realizaron pruebas de control in vitro en las cuales se utilizaron cinco fungicidas (Azoxystrobin 25SC 0.4 mL PF/L de agua, tiabendazol 60WP 0.6 g PF/L, pyraclostrobin 25CE 1.0 mL PF/L, cyprodinil+fludioxonil 62.5WG 1.0 g PF/L y azositrobin+propiconazol 20SE 0.4 mL PF/L), se usó un diseño experimental completamente al azar con cinco tratamientos, cinco repeticiones y un testigo absoluto, mediante dos métodos; cultivo envenenado y papel filtro. Se identificó a Neopestalotiopsis sp. como agente causal de la pudrición de corona en fresa. Los aislados fueron altamente virulentos mostrando síntomas, a los cuatro días, en el 100% de las plantas inoculadas. En las pruebas de control in vitro con ambos métodos el tratamiento con mayor porcentaje de inhibición de micelio fue Cyprodinil+fludioxonil.
Morphological identification, pathogenicity and in vitro chemical control of the causal agent of crown rot in strawberry
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.973322310027
Palavras-chave: Fragaria x ananassa, pudrición de la corona, Neopestalotiopsis sp. Cyprodinil+fludioxonil;
Keywords: Fragaria x ananassa, crown rot, Neopestalotiopsis sp. Cyprodinil+fludioxonil
Strawberry crown rot Fragaria x ananassa duch it causes necrosis of the tissue in the axis of the leaves and rot of the crown, which ultimately ends with the collapse of the plant. In the present investigation, the morphological identification of the causative agent of diseased plants from Zamora, Michoacán was carried out, the pathogenicity was also evaluated and in vitro control tests were carried out in which five fungicides were used ( Azoxystrobin 25SC 0.4 mL PF/L of water, thiabendazole 60WP 0.6 g PF/L, pyraclostrobin 25CE 1.0 mL PF/L, cyprodinil+fludioxonil 62.5WG 1.0 g PF/L, and azositrobin+propiconazole 20SE 0.4 mL PF/L), a completely randomized experimental design was used with five treatments, five repetitions and an absolute control, using two methods; poisoned crop and filter paper. Neopestalotiopsis was identified sp. as a causal agent of crown rot in strawberry. The isolates were highly virulent showing symptoms, after four days, in 100% of the inoculated plants. In the in vitro control tests with both methods, the treatment with the highest percentage of mycelium inhibition was Cyprodinil+fludioxonil.
- José Luciano Morales García
- Karina Lizeth Morales Montelongo
- María Isabel Franco Remigio
- Edna Esquivel Miguel