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This research presents the identification of the species of the Nematodo Agallador MeloidoGyne from stirred roots of Begonia Cultivar Cocktail that grew in greenhouse conditions. The staining of the roots with Agallas The Goodey method was used, then under the stereoscopic microscope the Meloidogyne females were removed from a root fragment. MeloidoGyne females were put on a slide, and with a razor razor their body were cut into two parts to eliminate their cuticle to form a picture that contains the perineal pattern, they were cleaned with 45% lactic acid for 20 seconds and Pure glycerin, Meloidogyne perineal patterns were mounted in transparent lactophenol. In the composite microscope, 20 perineal patterns were observed for its identification of Meloidogyne species, it was compared with specialized morphometric keys to Meloidogyne. The morphological characteristics that were observed in the 20 perineal models correspond to rounded stretch marks in its dorsal part and in its ventral part, lateral lines that divide the dorsal and ventral part that is distinctive characteristic for this species that corresponds to M. Javanica. This research can be considered as a pioneer in identifying the species of Meloidogyne in Begonia in Mexico.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.973352326046

  • Palavras-chave: Root knot nematode, perineal patterns and begonia.

  • Keywords: Root knot nematode, perineal patterns and begonia.

  • Abstract:

    This research presents the identification of the species of the Nematodo Agallador MeloidoGyne from stirred roots of Begonia Cultivar Cocktail that grew in greenhouse conditions. The staining of the roots with Agallas The Goodey method was used, then under the stereoscopic microscope the Meloidogyne females were removed from a root fragment. MeloidoGyne females were put on a slide, and with a razor razor their body were cut into two parts to eliminate their cuticle to form a picture that contains the perineal pattern, they were cleaned with 45% lactic acid for 20 seconds and Pure glycerin, Meloidogyne perineal patterns were mounted in transparent lactophenol. In the composite microscope, 20 perineal patterns were observed for its identification of Meloidogyne species, it was compared with specialized morphometric keys to Meloidogyne. The morphological characteristics that were observed in the 20 perineal models correspond to rounded stretch marks in its dorsal part and in its ventral part, lateral lines that divide the dorsal and ventral part that is distinctive characteristic for this species that corresponds to M. Javanica. This research can be considered as a pioneer in identifying the species of Meloidogyne in Begonia in Mexico.

  • Ramon Rodriguez Blanco
  • Elia Cruz Crespo
  • José Israel Rodríguez Barrón
  • Fabiola Cinco García
  • Miguel Díaz Heredia
  • Kennedy Antonio Cortez Isiordia
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