The Brazilian Ministry of Health approved the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices, which includes acupuncture and hypnotherapy, among others. More and more people seek care with integrative practices, as they are minimally invasive, more natural and very well accepted for a range of treatments. The relevance of this study lies in associating, simultaneously, the integrative practices of acupuncture and hypnosis, hypnoacupuncture, a consolidated term from the evidence of the present work, whose proposition was to socialize the results obtained with hypnoacupuncture in a social action – one day, to encourage new clinical research.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593142327023
Palavras-chave: Acupuncture. Well-being. Hypnotherapy. Hypnoacupuncture. Case Reports.
Keywords: Acupuncture. Well-being. Hypnotherapy. Hypnoacupuncture. Case Reports.
The Brazilian Ministry of Health approved the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices, which includes acupuncture and hypnotherapy, among others. More and more people seek care with integrative practices, as they are minimally invasive, more natural and very well accepted for a range of treatments. The relevance of this study lies in associating, simultaneously, the integrative practices of acupuncture and hypnosis, hypnoacupuncture, a consolidated term from the evidence of the present work, whose proposition was to socialize the results obtained with hypnoacupuncture in a social action – one day, to encourage new clinical research.
- Antonio Alberto de Medeiros Ferreira
- Alberto Magalhães Cardoso de Medeiros Ferreira