Case report: A 27-year-old female patient,
previously healthy, was hospitalized with a
thunderclap headache without associated
acute focal deficit. He denies fever, infectious
prodromes, recent vaccination or use
of illicit drugs. On admission, cranial
tomography and angiotomography were
performed without alterations. The CSF
had a xanthochromic aspect, 465 cells/mm
3 of lymphocytic predominance (93%), 155
mg/dL proteins, 60mg/dL glucose (97mg/
dL capillary), in addition to a difference
of 47 red blood cells between the first and
second vials.. CSF cultures as well as the
meningoencephalitis panel were negative.
Referred to arteriography which did not
show abnormalities. Serum infectious
tests including HIV, VDRL, hepatitis and
herpes virus negative. On the second day of
hospitalization, the patient had hypoesthesia
in the right hemiface, diplopia and global
aphasia with a total duration of 12 hours and
spontaneous improvement. In the context
of acute focal deficit, cranial magnetic
resonance imaging and intracranial arterial
resonance angiography were performed
without alterations. After 5 days, a second
cerebrospinal fluid collection was performed
and there was an improvement in the protein
26.6 mg/dL but maintenance of lymphocytic
pleocytosis - 450 cells (98% lymphocytes).
No specific treatment was administered.
The patient had a favorable outcome
without neurological sequelae, however,
she maintained episodes of mild migraine
headache pattern for another 40 days. There
was no recurrence of new focal deficits.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592332230064
Palavras-chave: Thunderstorm headache; Lymphocytic pleocytosis; Pseudo migraine with lymphocytic pleocytosis.
Keywords: Thunderstorm headache; Lymphocytic pleocytosis; Pseudo migraine with lymphocytic pleocytosis.
Case report: A 27-year-old female patient,
previously healthy, was hospitalized with a
thunderclap headache without associated
acute focal deficit. He denies fever, infectious
prodromes, recent vaccination or use
of illicit drugs. On admission, cranial
tomography and angiotomography were
performed without alterations. The CSF
had a xanthochromic aspect, 465 cells/mm
3 of lymphocytic predominance (93%), 155
mg/dL proteins, 60mg/dL glucose (97mg/
dL capillary), in addition to a difference
of 47 red blood cells between the first and
second vials.. CSF cultures as well as the
meningoencephalitis panel were negative.
Referred to arteriography which did not
show abnormalities. Serum infectious
tests including HIV, VDRL, hepatitis and
herpes virus negative. On the second day of
hospitalization, the patient had hypoesthesia
in the right hemiface, diplopia and global
aphasia with a total duration of 12 hours and
spontaneous improvement. In the context
of acute focal deficit, cranial magnetic
resonance imaging and intracranial arterial
resonance angiography were performed
without alterations. After 5 days, a second
cerebrospinal fluid collection was performed
and there was an improvement in the protein
26.6 mg/dL but maintenance of lymphocytic
pleocytosis - 450 cells (98% lymphocytes).
No specific treatment was administered.
The patient had a favorable outcome
without neurological sequelae, however,
she maintained episodes of mild migraine
headache pattern for another 40 days. There
was no recurrence of new focal deficits. -
Número de páginas: 2
- Marina Buldrini Filogonio Seraidarian
- Paolla Giovanna Rossito de Magalhães
- Rodrigo Santiago Gomez
- Mariana de Castro Ferreira
- Gabriella Braga da Cunha Silva
- Arthur Braga Pereira
- Ana Luiza Figueiredo Campos
- Bárbara Oliveira Paixão