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Urban land grabbing and the municipalization of protection rules for APPs

Faced with the most diverse forms of global demonstrations on the subject of "environmental protection", we see Brazil taking large steps in the opposite direction, with the approval of Law 14,285 to turn off the lights in 2021, which further weakens the already troubled environmental scenario. Brazilian, giving a safe conduct to administrators of the municipal executive power, as well as to local legislators, the possibility of legalizing areas of permanent preservation that agonize for years in the consolidated urban areas of the big cities. This practice will be yet another victory for the “grileiros”, who are people who criminally invade, occupy, subdivision and illicitly obtain ownership of public lands without authorization from the competent body and in violation of the legislation.

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Urban land grabbing and the municipalization of protection rules for APPs

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163823270410

  • Palavras-chave: Legislation, APP, land grabbing

  • Keywords: Legislation, APP, land grabbing

  • Abstract:

    Faced with the most diverse forms of global demonstrations on the subject of "environmental protection", we see Brazil taking large steps in the opposite direction, with the approval of Law 14,285 to turn off the lights in 2021, which further weakens the already troubled environmental scenario. Brazilian, giving a safe conduct to administrators of the municipal executive power, as well as to local legislators, the possibility of legalizing areas of permanent preservation that agonize for years in the consolidated urban areas of the big cities. This practice will be yet another victory for the “grileiros”, who are people who criminally invade, occupy, subdivision and illicitly obtain ownership of public lands without authorization from the competent body and in violation of the legislation.

  • Luciano Bomfim dos Santos
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