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Durante y después de la pandemia, muchos paradigmas educativos se han puesto a prueba, otros se han modificado y durante esta nueva etapa del conocimiento, la formación de los estudiantes universitarios ha requerido nuevas estrategias. Las necesidades emocionales de pronto surgen para limitar y/o entorpecer las dinámicas de aprendizaje, el comportamiento durante las clases, podría en ocasiones indicar incluso una simulación del aprendizaje. Por diferentes circunstancias, los profesores han de recurrir a diferentes áreas del conocimiento para integrarlas a las actividades cotidianas de modo que el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua tendrá que dejar de ser un reto, y transformar ese reto en actividades breves, sencillas, cotidianas y desde luego posibles.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929322310023

  • Palavras-chave: Docencia, inglés, idiomas, gratitud, enseñanza, aprendizaje

  • Keywords: Teaching, English Language, Linguistics, Gratitude

  • Abstract:

                                                                                 GRATITUD: ACOMPAÑANDO LA ENSEÑANZA DE UNA SEGUNDA LENGUA

    Dra. Claudia Andrea Durán Montenegro,


    ORCID: 0000 0002 0230 6383

    Dra. Diana Guadalupe de la Luz Castillo,


    ORCID: 0000-0002-8539-5317

    Mtro. Sergio Reyes Crespo, UNAM


    ORCID: 0000 0003 1816 4946

    Durante y después de la pandemia, muchos paradigmas educativos se han puesto a prueba, otros se han modificado y durante esta nueva etapa del conocimiento, la formación de los estudiantes universitarios ha requerido nuevas estrategias. Las necesidades emocionales de pronto surgen para limitar y/o entorpecer las dinámicas de aprendizaje, el comportamiento durante las clases, podría en ocasiones indicar incluso una simulación del aprendizaje. Por diferentes circunstancias, los profesores han de recurrir a diferentes áreas del conocimiento para integrarlas a las actividades cotidianas de modo que el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua tendrá que dejar de ser un reto, y transformar ese reto en actividades breves, sencillas, cotidianas y desde luego posibles.

    Para Martin Seligman: “la psicología no es sólo el estudio de la debilidad y el daño, es también el estudio de la fortaleza y la virtud. El tratamiento no es sólo arreglar lo que está roto, es también alimentar lo mejor de nosotros” (2003).  La Psicología Positiva tiene como objetivo principal es conocer los recursos y fortalezas de las personas a través de la investigación científica, para poder, incrementar y/o potenciar, e incluso descubrir esas fortalezas y talentos humanos.

    En la antigüedad, Platón y Sócrates mostraron su interés por lograr la felicidad es sus escritos, y algunos autores tales como Carl Rogers (1961), con su concepto de funcionamiento óptimo de la personalidad; Abraham Maslow (1954), con el término de autoactualización, o Erik Erikson (1987), conocido por su trabajo sobre la identidad y la juventud, entre los más destacados.

    Actualmente, el bienestar psicológico ha sido reconocido a nivel mundial como un asunto importante en el área de la salud. En la asamblea general de las Naciones Unidas, (United Nations General Assembly), (2015 se ha indicado el objetivo de asegurar una vida saludable, promover el bienestar en la población en todas las edades y se propone promover la salud mental y el bienestar. También la OMS (World Health Organization, 2015); ha establecido como propósito instar a los gobiernos de todo el mundo implementar acciones para proteger y promover la salud mental en todas las etapas de la vida.


    Después de muchos estudios y tomando en cuenta varios factores es posible reconocer a la gratitud como objeto de estudio. Al tomar en cuenta que la Gratitud ha sido un área de interés tanto para filósofos, y educadores.  Hoy en día los sociólogos, psicólogos e investigadores han denominado dentro de sus investigaciones a la gratitud como un fenómeno el cual debe ser definido, investigado y estudiado.  (Simmel, 1950) [5608], (Schwartz, 1967) [590], (Gouldner, 1960) [11509], (Heider, 1958) [23233], (Weiner & Graham, 1989) [135], (Lazarus & Lazarus, 1994) [829], (Ortony, Clore, & Collins, 1988) [7556].

    No obstante, investigaciones sobre la importancia de la gratitud y sus beneficios no fueron populares hasta las participaciones de Robert Emmons, Michael McCullough, entre los más destacados.

    A inicios del año 2000, y gracias a la Fundación John Templeton Foundation, (JTF), se inició un Proyecto: Expanding the Science and Practice of Gratitude Project (ESPG), y es allí en donde las investigaciones sobre la gratitud empezaron a surgir. Desde entonces hasta el día de hoy han existido una seria de documentos e investigaciones serias en torno a la gratitud.

    En estas investigaciones se mencionan ya, diferentes Escalas de gratitud en donde podemos ver las formas, cuestionarios, métodos de medición de la gratitud, divisiones y/o tipos de gratitud las cuales nos gustaria mencionar aun cuando no es el propósito del presente trabajo. Una de las escalas que se han de mencionar es The Transpersonal Gratitude Scale (TGS) misma que fue diseñada con el propósito de incluir los aspectos trascendentales que pueden acompañar a los sentimientos de gratitud. Hlava, Elfers, & Offringa, (2014). Es allí donde se han mencionado cuatro sud-divisiones: a) expresión de gratitud: “muestro aprecio por quienes tiene una influencia positive en mi vida”, b) el valor de la gratitud: “La gratitud me ayuda a sentirme más feliz”, c) gratitud trascendente: “Me siento agradecido por estar vivo” y d) gratitud con conexión espiritual “Agradezco a Dios por estar en mi vida”. Existen otras escalas desafortunadamente por ahora sólo nos enfocaremos en señalar las participaciones, los errores y los aciertos además de la producción lingüística de los estudiantes que participaron en “el diario de gratitud”.

    Se ha seleccionado la Gratitud para acompañar el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua. La Gratitud del latín: gratia que significa agradecimiento. Emmons y McCullough (2001) lo definen como “un estado afectivo cognitivo resultante de la percepción de haber sido beneficiado por un agente externo, de manera solidaria, desinteresada y gratuita”.

    La gratitud según Watson y Naragon-Gainey (2010), tiene un efecto de protección para trastornos mentales como la depresión o la ansiedad. Además, reduce las emociones negativas que resultan de la comparación y la autocomparación social, se antepone así con la envidia y el resentimiento (Emmons y Mishra, 2011, como se citó en Bernabé 2014) y como fortaleza que es, se correlaciona de forma positiva con la autoestima y la satisfacción con la vida.

    La gratitud junto con las cualidades de poder apreciar, percibir y saborear las experiencias de la vida se consideran factores determinantes para el bienestar de las personas (Martínez, 2006).

    Para McCullough et al. (2002) la gratitud tiene tres cometidos:

    1. Es un barómetro social, cuando las personas se dan cuenta de que existen quienes están dispuestas a ayudarlas de forma desinteresada.
    2. Motivador, al ver que otras personas realizan actos que nos favorecen, y estas acciones produzcan actos en cadena y sentimientos de agradecimiento. Y
    3. Reforzador, cuando agradecemos a una persona algo se desarrolla una emoción positiva para beneficiar a otros.

    La fortaleza de gratitud y práctica constante, generan beneficios en la salud al aportar experiencias positivas como son el bienestar, la felicidad, el afecto positivo y entre otras fortalezas, y actúan como una barrera de protección ante las emociones negativas (Emmons y Stern, 2013), la gratitud también alivia de la depresión (Seligman et al., 2005) y se relaciona de forma positiva con el optimismo, la alegría, y el entusiasmo (Watkins, Cruz, Holben y Kolts, 2003). De esta manera se puede relacionar a la gratitud con la satisfacción personal de vida.

    Un estudio sobre la relación de las diferentes fortalezas y la satisfacción con la vida realizado por Park et al. (2004) se ha descubrimiento que existe una relación consistente entre la gratitud, el entusiasmo, la esperanza, el amor y la curiosidad. Y por el contrario, una menor relación entre la creatividad, el juicio y el amor por el aprendizaje.

    Durante esta investigación participaron 26 estudiantes, la realización de un diario de gratitud no tendría puntaje de evaluación y no sería evaluado sino corregido de modo que ellos enviaban sus aportaciones mismas que han sido corregidas por WhatsApp. De los 26 estudiantes que participaron en el proyecto 26 acreditaron el curso. Generalmente existe un margen de reprobación 1 ó 2 estudiantes y alrededor de 10 estudiantes dejan el curso. En este periodo 2 estudiantes abandonaron el curso y no hubo estudiantes reprobados. Además de algunas observaciones que serán presentadas más adelante.

    A ellos se les han dado las siguientes instrucciones:

    1. Escribir un enunciado en inglés agradeciendo por algo.
    2. Realizar un diario de gratitud de lunes – jueves (días de clase)
    3. Enviar un mensajito vía WhatsApp si tuviesen dudas.
    4. Revisar las correcciones,
    5. Registrar sus agradecimientos de manera digital,
    6. Organizarlos para presentar el diario de gratitud al final del curso.


    Se ha demostrado que la gratitud trae beneficios en diferentes áreas, ya que no sólo genera una sensación de tranquilidad en el momento, sino que, al transformarla en un hábito, las personas se enfocan en el bienestar presente y adquieren mayor esperanza del futuro. Al agradecer se requiere que los estudiantes reconozcan un hecho como positivo y lo expongan o manifiesten sobre las probables circunstancias o momentos difíciles a los que ellos se enfrentan; sobre todo durante el año 2021.


    El diario de gratitud permite que los estudiantes se centren en los aspectos positivos, dejando por un momento los problemas. Aun cuando existen hoy en día diarios de agradecimiento comerciales, no se ha solicitado a los jóvenes comprar algo más, ya que se ha solicitado la participación de los estudiantes utilizando WhatsApp, y el diario de gratitud será enviado de manera electrónica, así que no es necesario comprar ningún cuadernillo.

    El trabajar con un diario de gratitud requiere de 5 minutos diarios de atención del estudiante, o sólo un instante; sin embargo, al realizar este diario de gratitud en otro idioma requerirá de más tiempo ya que implica pensarlo, escribirlo, buscar alguna palabra en el diccionario si se requiere, escribir sus agradecimientos en inglés y revisar, además de corregir en caso necesario.

    Existen algunos autores que aseguran que el practicar la gratitud de manera habitual conlleva beneficios en el área de la salud física y mental. Ya que al notar aquellos elementos positivos en nuestra vida se:

    • Disminuyen los sentimientos negativos que generan depresión, 
    • Se adquiere confianza en uno mismo,
    • Mejoran la salud,
    • Se adquiere mayor conocimiento de uno mismo,
    • Eliminar la autocompasión,
    • Disminuye el estrés y la ansiedad ante la incertidumbre,
    • Genera en la demás empatía al percibirnos como personas amables y gratas, y
    • Se descansa mejor.

    La gratitud influye en el rendimiento académico, García (2015) realizó un estudio con 145 estudiantes con el objeto de comprobar, si experimentar gratitud influye en el rendimiento de estudiantes de una segunda lengua. Los resultados demostraron la importancia de la gratitud en el tema educativo para potenciar las relaciones interpersonales e intrapersonales claves para el éxito del aprendizaje de una segunda lengua. Con estos resultados se puede afirmar que las personas agradecidas mejoran el rendimiento a la hora de aprender una segunda lengua.


    Como todo habito, el iniciar a trabajar con el diario de gratitud resulta difícil pero los estudiantes se animan al ver los mensajes de sus compañeros al ser enviados al grupo, ellos desean entonces participar, compartir sus experiencias positivas y/o finalmente, no quedarse atrás. Este hábito de compartir experiencias positivas, se va extendiendo poco a poco a todo el grupo, y termina motivando a todos, incluyendo al profesor.

    Es cierto que el notar las cosas positivas a nuestro alrededor en un hábito difícil de obtener, ya que las personas están más acostumbradas a quejarse, a notar lo malo, a escuchar quejas y criticas o comentarios negativos todo el tiempo. Las personas agradecidas tienden a ser más felices, más sanas, más completas. Generalmente superan el estrés y mejoran situaciones cardiacas. Para el Dr. Martin Seligman en algunos exámenes realizados, una semana de gratitud equivale a un mes, tres y hasta seis meses de felicidad después.


    El 5 de octubre del 2021


    [23:24, 5/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am thankful with God for one more day of life. I am very grateful because my family and I are healthy.


    [23:30, 5/10/2021] Lizet: I'm thankful because that in the pandemic so far neither I nor my family have been infected


    [23:34, 5/10/2021] +52 1 229 605 6253: I am grateful to end another day with my family


    [23:36, 5/10/2021] +52 1 235 114 8356: I am grateful because my family this healthy and I feeling happy.


    [23:37, 5/10/2021] +52 1 229 458 4685: I am grateful for one more day of life with my family.  I am thankful that today was stronger emotionally than other days.


    [23:37, 5/10/2021] +52 1 229 417 1368: i’m grateful because today my family is safe with me, i have a home to live, food to eat and bed to sleep


    [23:39, 5/10/2021] +52 1 229 405 1313: I'm gratefull because I'm healthy and I have my parents and my grandparents with me all time.


    [23:49, 5/10/2021] +52 1 229 481 4293: I'm thankful with God for being surrounded by the people that I like and love. For being able to exchange words with special people despite of the distance and to remain with health and love.


    [23:51, 5/10/2021] +52 1 229 519 0411: I am grateful because even though my grandmother is gone, my family is still together.


    [23:52, 5/10/2021] +52 1 229 154 8328: I'm grateful for having my family at home again


    [23:54, 5/10/2021] +52 1 285 114 6799: I am thankful with every person who stay with me in the difficulties. I’m grateful because my family and close friends are healthy.


    [23:56, 5/10/2021] +52 1 285 104 3856: I am grateful to music, because it is what makes my emotions feel good and make me think positive thoughts. ?


    [23:58, 5/10/2021] +52 1 229 492 1532: I thank God for giving me a family, a house and allowing me one more day to live. Beautiful night

    El 6 de octubre del 2021


    [12:54, 6/10/2021] +52 1 229 458 4685: l’m grateful to be healthy one more day. I’m grateful to have breakfast at my table


    [14:48, 6/10/2021] Lizzet: I'am grateful because I have the opportunity to be studying.


    [15:13, 6/10/2021] +52 1 285 106 3260: I am grateful for always having the support of my family


    [15:20, 6/10/2021] +52 1 229 909 7256: I am feeling gratitude for the people who care about me every day


    [16:12, 6/10/2021] +52 1 229 410 0626: i´m grateful to have a family that always loves me


    [16:13, 6/10/2021] +52 1 229 410 0626: i´m grateful to have food every day


    [20:05, 6/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am thankful for those moments with my mother and sister when we watch Netflix. I give thanks to my classmates because we finished our homework.


    [20:06, 6/10/2021] +52 1 229 605 6253: I am grateful to see my mother another day and to be able to get home


    [20:10, 6/10/2021] +52 1 235 114 8356: I am grateful for one more day of life.

    El 11 de octubre del 2021


    [21:03, 11/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am thankful because the vaccination dates have already been published. I am feeling gratitude with God that my parents and sister are healthy


    [21:31, 11/10/2021] Lizet: I am grateful that after two years without seeing my brother I will finally see him again on Wednesday and I am very happy


    [21:33, 11/10/2021] +52 1 229 458 4685: I am grateful to have one more day with my family. I am grateful to see I had food on my table today.


    [21:34, 11/10/2021] +52 1 283 105 9029: I’m grateful because my grandfather is in good healt, I’m because my family is united


    [21:48, 11/10/2021] +52 1 294 102 0406: I am grateful that we are doing well at work


    [21:49, 11/10/2021] +52 1 229 417 1368: i’m grateful because today i can be in home with all my family helping each other


    [21:59, 11/10/2021] +52 1 235 114 8356: I'm grateful because my family is healthy and happy.


    [22:00, 11/10/2021] +52 1 229 405 1313: Today I'm grateful 'cause my mom teaches me to drive and she's very patient with me all time.


    [22:01, 11/10/2021] +52 1 285 106 3260: I am grateful for one more day of life and being with my family


    [22:10, 11/10/2021] +52 1 285 114 6799: I'm grateful with my mom because she stay with me and my siblings always.


    [22:17, 11/10/2021] +52 1 285 114 6799: I'm grateful with my mom because, She stays with me and my siblings always. Thk, teacher ❤️


    [22:22, 11/10/2021] +52 1 229 909 7256: I'm grateful I had a great day ☀️


    [22:28, 11/10/2021] +52 1 285 104 3856: I am grateful to my friends, for coming to talk to me and forgetting about my stress from homework


    [22:29, 11/10/2021] +52 1 229 154 8328: I´m grateful for having a home and I have finished well my day


    [23:03, 11/10/2021] +52 1 229 519 0411: I'm grateful to have my cat, who keeps me company

    El 13 de octubre del 2021


    [11:48, 13/10/2021] Lizet: I am grateful because finally after so long I returned to Veracruz


    [11:50, 13/10/2021] +52 1 229 405 1313: I'm grateful because I'm healthy and my mom is teaches me to work in her shop


    [12:10, 13/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I'm grateful with my English classmates and teacher because I won an extra point yesterday. ?


    [22:15, 13/10/2021] +52 1 285 106 3260: I am grateful for learning something new today


    [22:19, 13/10/2021] +52 1 285 114 6799: I am thankful for having a good day and being healthy.


    [22:20, 13/10/2021] +52 1 283 105 9029: I’m grateful to have such a beatiful mom I’m grateful for being health and for my studies


    [22:22, 13/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am thankful with God for one more day of life. I am very grateful because my family and I are healthy


    [22:24, 13/10/2021] +52 1 294 102 0406: I am grateful because despite not having some resources to do my homework and take classes, I have been able to get ahead.


    [22:28, 13/10/2021] +52 1 285 105 6942: I am grateful that today I can visit my grandparents.


    [22:34, 13/10/2021] +52 1 235 114 8356: I am grateful for one more day of my life.


    [22:37, 13/10/2021] +52 1 229 417 1368: i’m grateful because today i did so many things for my health


    [22:42, 13/10/2021] +52 1 229 492 1532: I am grateful for what I have and my family who is with me


    [22:44, 13/10/2021] +52 1 229 909 7256: I am grateful to have cute pets


    [22:52, 13/10/2021] +52 1 285 104 3856: I am grateful to life, for one more day, living with my acquaintances and family feeling very happy for that.


    El 14 de octubre del 2021


    [0:46, 14/10/2021] +52 1 229 410 0626: I am grateful because today I ate healthy


    [0:47, 14/10/2021] +52 1 229 410 0626: I am grateful because I saw my mom one more day


    [0:48, 14/10/2021] +52 1 229 410 0626: I am grateful because today I played the video game that I have been waiting for months


    [0:50, 14/10/2021] +52 1 229 519 0411: I am grateful that my dad got a job after several months.


    [1:42, 14/10/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful to have finished My homework.


    [9:45, 14/10/2021] +52 1 294 102 0406: I am grateful for how strong I have been facing my conflicts


    [20:55, 14/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am really grateful because I was selected as a beneficiary for an economic scholarship. I feel very emotional.


    [21:39, 14/10/2021] +52 1 285 114 6799: I give thanks for everything that happens, I was accepted for a scholarship. I'm grateful because my family is healthy.


    [21:53, 14/10/2021] +52 1 294 102 0406: I am grateful for the food that every day enters my home for me and my family


    [21:55, 14/10/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful that I can finally see my friends and brother after two years


    [23:31, 14/10/2021] +52 1 285 106 3260: I am grateful for learning a new dance


    [23:42, 14/10/2021] +52 1 229 458 4685: I am thankful for having a great day today. I am grateful for feeling good emotionally today.

    El 15 de octubre del 2021


    [19:39, 15/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am really grateful because I am vaccinated. I give thanks for everything that happens in my life because I know that God has a purpose for my life.


    [20:10, 15/10/2021] +52 1 229 519 0411: I am grateful that she can be with my grandmother, take care of her and love her in her last months.


    [20:31, 15/10/2021] Lizzet: I am determined because I arrived with good from my trip

    El 14 de octubre del 2021


    [23:25, 19/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am thankful because I will receive a recognition for good average. Thank you God for take care of my family, my boyfriend and me.


    [21:32, 20/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am thankful with God for one more day of life. I give thanks for those moments of joy and fun with my sister. I am grateful because I saw my grandmother.


    [22:34, 20/10/2021] +52 1 229 458 4685: I am grateful to God for giving us one more day of health to my family and me. I am grateful that I got out of bed with more emotional force than yesterday


    [22:47, 20/10/2021] +52 1 229 909 7256: I am grateful to have good friends. Thank you grandma for loving me so much.


    [22:50, 20/10/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful that my health is improving a lot with the help of my family, friends and my doctor?❤️


    [22:55, 20/10/2021] +52 1 229 492 1532: I am grateful for a day full of blessings, I am grateful for my parents and family, for having what I have. Beautiful night?


    [23:23, 20/10/2021] +52 1 229 405 1313: I am grateful 'cause my friend bought me donuts? and he knows that I love them?


    [23:32, 20/10/2021] +52 1 285 105 6942: I am grateful to have been able to celebrate my grandmother's birthday with the whole family.


    [23:35, 20/10/2021] +52 1 235 114 8356: I am grateful with god for one more day in my life and because my family this healthy. ?


    [23:38, 20/10/2021] +52 1 294 102 0406: I am grateful for the support I receive, including people who are not related to me.


    [23:39, 20/10/2021] +52 1 294 102 0406:


    [23:56, 20/10/2021] +52 1 285 114 6799: I'm grateful with BTS for make my life more happy

    El 21 de octubre del 2021


    [20:14, 21/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I give thanks to my classmates because we finished our homework. I felt stressed but I think we got it right. Thank you God for take care of my family, my boyfriend and me.


    [20:17, 21/10/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful to my family, friends, and teachers for all the support they have given me.


    [20:19, 21/10/2021] +52 1 294 102 0406: I am grateful for the few but sincere people around me


    [20:27, 21/10/2021] +52 1 283 105 9029: I’m grateful to the English Teacher for being so patient. I’m grateful to my family for giving me happiness


    [20:31, 21/10/2021] +52 1 285 105 6942: I am grateful that I was able to meet my friends after a long time without seeing each other.


    [20:31, 21/10/2021] +52 1 229 492 1532: I am grateful for another day of blessings, I am grateful for what I have and for my family, because my pets are fine.

    El 27 de octubre del 2021


    [0:49, 27/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am thankful to have finished my homework. Thank you God for take care of my family, my boyfriend and me.


    [0:53, 27/10/2021] +52 1 229 458 4685: I am grateful for one more day with health.


    [1:34, 27/10/2021] Lizzet: I' am grateful to have Mom and Dad in my life.


    [10:58, 27/10/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful for the support that my classmates, friends, family and teachers have given me to get ahead.


    [21:12, 27/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am grateful for those people who bought me chamoyadas. I am thankful to have finished my homework and not having to sleep late.


    [22:14, 27/10/2021] +52 1 229 492 1532: I am grateful for one more day of life that God allows me, for having my family and everything I have. I am grateful for having my two dogs. Beautiful night


    [22:27, 27/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: Ok teacher. Solo preguntaba porque como cambié de teléfono, se me borraron varias conversaciones y ya no tengo los audios

    El 28 de octubre del 2021


    [0:20, 28/10/2021] +52 1 285 114 6799: I'm grateful with the life because my family is healthy and I have a good life.


    [0:28, 28/10/2021] +52 1 229 405 1313: I'm grateful with my friend Pau who invited me yesterday to her home.


    [0:33, 28/10/2021] +52 1 235 114 8356: I am grateful that my family is healthy and with my friend Nani for always helping me?


    [7:57, 28/10/2021] +52 1 294 102 0406: I am grateful that God continues to allow me to wake up one more day and in good health


    [19:24, 28/10/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am really grateful and very excited because son I will dance again. I am thankful for not having a very hot day.


    [20:01, 28/10/2021] +52 1 229 405 1313: I am grateful 'cause my friend Jaqui is cooking spagheti for me? because she knows that I'm not good in the kitchen?


    [20:03, 28/10/2021] Lizzet Tutoría: I am very grateful and emicioned because my new niece was just born?


    [20:08, 28/10/2021] +52 1 235 114 8356: I am grateful with my friend Luisa because she let me Cook and we evited a fire unnecessary??


    [20:11, 28/10/2021] +52 1 285 104 3856: I am grateful to life, for being emotionally well, doing homework while listening to my favorite music. ?


    [20:13, 28/10/2021] +52 1 229 417 1368: i’m grateful today because at the end of the day i can rest


    [20:22, 28/10/2021] +52 1 229 492 1532: I am grateful for the day I had, watching my favorite series and listening to music that I like. Good evening :)


    [20:38, 28/10/2021] +52 1 229 154 8328: Today I'm thankful of having a nice weather, even if yesterday's weather was very hot.

    El 29 de octubre del 2021


    [0:05, 29/10/2021] +52 1 229 458 4685: I am grateful to have had a very peaceful day. I am grateful for one more day with health.


    [0:41, 29/10/2021] +52 1 285 114 6799: I'm thankful because today I finish my homework, my flowers look pretty, and the weather is so nice.


    [1:18, 29/10/2021] +52 1 229 519 0411: I am grateful to have a house to live in with my mother.

    El 2 de noviembre del 2021


    [19:58, 2/11/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am really grateful for these two days off because I needed it. I am thankful for those times with my family. We had a nice time playing lottery.


    [20:49, 2/11/2021] +52 1 229 405 1313: I'm grateful with my family from Cordoba because they received us two days in their house.


    [22:05, 2/11/2021] +52 1 285 114 6799: I'm so grateful with the life, because my family stay together in this "Día de muertos" because for us is the celebration more important of the year. Too I'm thankful for have somedays for rest


    [22:23, 2/11/2021] +52 1 229 492 1532: I am grateful for having a nice and relaxed day, I enjoyed with my family and pets that I have. I thank God for everything I have. Good evening


    [12:59, 3/11/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful because after two days without wifi he finally returned. Jaja


    [13:14, 3/11/2021] +52 1 229 519 0411: I am grateful to have my cousin one more year.

    El 4 de noviembre del 2021


    [8:19, 4/11/2021] +52 1 283 105 9029: I'm grateful for a new sunny day☀️


    [8:34, 4/11/2021] +52 1 229 481 4293: Good morning y'all. I'm grateful to my heavenly father for this new day, to have health and to have my loved ones alive.


    [20:57, 5/11/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am thankful for not having a busy day. I had a quiet day, enjoying the cool weather. Thank you God for taking care of my family, my boyfriend and me.


    [21:07, 5/11/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful for one more day of life.?????


    [21:08, 5/11/2021] +52 1 294 102 0406: I am grateful for one more week, full of good things


    [21:21, 5/11/2021] +52 1 229 458 4685: I am grateful for one more day with health.


    [21:23, 5/11/2021] +52 1 235 114 8356: I am grateful for one more day of life and because my cousin visited me today✨?


    [21:24, 5/11/2021] +52 1 283 105 9029: I am grateful for my English teacher and for the good teachers I have.

    El 8 de noviembre del 2021


    [21:32, 8/11/2021] +52 1 229 154 8328: I'm grateful for having my dog Laika in my life


    [21:38, 8/11/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am thankful with the teachers that I met this semester, because they are kind and patient. I am thankful with God for one more day of life.


    [21:38, 8/11/2021] Lizzet Tutoría: I am grateful that my parents' business is going very well despite the contingency and everything my parents have had to go through.


    [21:40, 8/11/2021] +52 1 235 114 8356: I am grateful because my cat love me?


    [21:49, 8/11/2021] +52 1 229 154 7818: i am grateful for one more day with health and finally i had a quiet day ?


    [21:54, 8/11/2021] +52 1 229 492 1532: I am grateful for a nice day, for having my family. Today I helped my mom make a cake


    [22:03, 8/11/2021] +52 1 229 405 1313: I´m grateful because god give me an opportunity of live today and saved me of the tragedy


    [22:08, 8/11/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful to have mom alive one more day.


    [22:11, 8/11/2021] +52 1 285 105 6942: I am grateful to have been able to celebrate my father's birthday happily and with the whole family.


    [22:13, 8/11/2021] +52 1 229 410 0626: I'm grateful for having my family one more day with me


    [22:14, 8/11/2021] +52 1 229 417 1368: i’m grateful for another good day in my life


    [0:13, 9/11/2021] +52 1 229 458 4685: I am thankful for having a good day.

    I am grateful to have had good on my table one more day.


    [10:44, 9/11/2021] +52 1 229 481 4293: I'm grateful today because spend time with my grandparents and father, they make me happy, I love them


    [11:02, 9/11/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful because I was finally able to exhibit in my class after the exhibition was postponed for like a month haha

    El 10 de noviembre del 2021


    [21:47, 10/11/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am thankful to have finished my homework. I'm grateful for those people who bought me chamoyadas.


    [22:02, 10/11/2021] +52 1 229 405 1313: I'm grateful with my stepfather for brought to my mom and I a salad?


    [22:07, 10/11/2021] +52 1 229 154 7818: I'm grateful because today I had a delicious dinner


    [23:54, 10/11/2021] +52 1 229 458 4685: I am grateful that I had a very peaceful day today✨✨


    [0:09, 11/11/2021] +52 1 285 114 6799: I'm grateful with the life because today was a happy day


    [17:41, 11/11/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am really grateful because I have a home, a place to sleep, and a family. I am thankful that I have food every day. Thank you God for everything I have.


    [23:06, 11/11/2021] Lizzet: I' am grateful for one more day of life and health??


    [23:08, 11/11/2021] +52 1 285 104 3856: I am grateful for one more day of life because I am seeing the end of the semester and it makes me feel happy ?

    El 12 de noviembre del 2021


    [19:12, 12/11/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I give thanks for everything that happens in my life because I know that God has a purpose for my life. Thank you God for take care of my family, my boyfriend and me.


    [19:35, 12/11/2021] +52 1 229 154 7818: I am grateful because i have a paceful and lovely day


    [21:03, 12/11/2021] +52 1 229 492 1532: I am thankful for a nice day and for doing some shopping online. Good night


    [21:11, 12/11/2021] +52 1 229 519 0411: I am really grateful for having another year of life ?


    [21:20, 12/11/2021] +52 1 235 114 8356: I am grateful because I finished all my homework on time


    [21:34, 12/11/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful to have had a nice day, full of good things.???

    El 16 de noviembre del 2021


    [21:00, 16/11/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am thankful with God for one more day of life. I'm grateful because my family, my boyfriend and I are healthy. That is the most important to me.


    [21:30, 16/11/2021] +52 1 285 114 6799: I'm grateful with the life for have a good day, I'm happy because today I wasn't procrastinated, and I finished a project.


    [9:23, 17/11/2021] +52 1 283 105 9029: I'm grateful because the semester is almost over and for this sunny and beautiful day ? ☀️


    [9:30, 17/11/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful because my brothers can already be vaccinated against the covid and that makes me a little calmer.


    [12:28, 17/11/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful for one more day of health and also for studying.??

    El 19 de noviembre del 2021


    [22:47, 19/11/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I'm thankful because I could accommodate my schedule for the next semester. I am grateful because my family and I went to get vaccinated. I'm really grateful with God because I know that he has everything under control.


    [22:59, 19/11/2021] +52 1 235 114 8356: I am grateful for one more day of life and because my family this healthy?

    El 22 de noviembre del 2021


    [20:28, 22/11/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I express my gratitude with my grandmother because today we went to buy my Christmas present. ?


    [20:32, 22/11/2021] Lizzet: I am grateful that I have my family with me❤️

    El 24 de noviembre del 2021


    [16:39, 24/11/2021] +52 1 229 457 3489: I am thankful because I pre-registered online with the educational experiences that I wanted.


    [16:41, 24/11/2021] +52 1 229 410 0626: I'm grateful because today my mom cooked my favorite food


    El primer día, enviaron su participación 14 estudiantes y entre ellos cometieron 9 errores gramaticales. En el segundo día se obtuvieron 9 participaciones de los cuales dos cometieron el mismo error, en esta ocasión un “error” no tan grave. En la siguiente ocasión 15 estudiantes participaron, se registraron 5 errores, un estudiante corrigió en seguida su error, dos estudiantes más al redactar omitieron algunos elementos y por otra parte, se ve en los agradecimientos la integración de elementos de recién adquisición en el curso. Los agradecimientos continuaron con menor número de errores, en ocasiones los estudiantes participaban más y en ocasiones menos. No obstante, los errores son cada vez menos y las participaciones integran poco a poco más de una oración, frases y/o emoticones.

    Al final del curso ellos han agregado no sólo enunciados sino escritos completos de los cuales se han seleccionado algunos como ejemplo. Se han marcado con amarillo y azul los errores y con verde algunos aciertos o avances de los estudiantes. Y aun cuando el tiempo empleado en esta actividad ha sido muy breve en relación al tiempo, vemos que para el nivel de lengua de los estudiantes A1-A2, ellos tiene una buena producción lingüística. A continuación, se muestran estos ejemplos:

    Even though I don't speak much, I don't participate in the class and my presence is not noticed. I was always in all your classes, because my big dream is to know the foreigner; English opens many doors, that's why I am very grateful for your classes so pleasant and enjoyable. I always did the exercises and paid attention, because I want to learn English; I know how necessary it is, how important it is and how beautiful it is to learn a language. So I thank you for your dedication to teach me English 2 Teacher, although I knew a little, I could never understand it 100%, mainly because I was reluctant to learn a new language. I say goodbye wholeheartedly Teacher and wish you the best vibes in life.

    Gloria Latour

    This month I am grateful because my family and I have health. I express my gratitude for the food that I had every day. I am thankful cause I am going to finish another English curse soon. I give thanks to my dad’s clients, my neighbors because they are kind persons, and my friends who support me. I am grateful for the privilege that I have the beach near. I am really grateful for having a family who loves me a lot. I am feeling gratitude for having excellent teachers. I give thanks because I have a house. I am so grateful for the life!

    By: Liliana Leal Vásquez

    I'm grateful with the life for have a good day, I'm happy because today I wasn't procrastinated, and I finished a project. I'm grateful with the life because today was a happy day I'm so grateful with the life, because my family stay together in this "Día de muertos" because for us is the celebration more important of the year. Too I'm thankful for have some days for rest I'm thankful because today I finish my homework, my flowers look pretty, and the weather is so nice. I'm grateful with the life because my family is healthy and I have a good life. I give thanks for everything that happens, I was accepted for a scholarship. I'm grateful with my mom because She stays with me and my siblings always. I am thankful with every person who stay with me in the difficulties. I'm grateful because my family and close friends are healthy. I'm grateful with BTS for make my life heppier with it´s beautiful songs. I'm grateful with myself because everyday I try to be better I´m thankful to my parents because they always care about me. I´m so grateful to finish the semester I´m thankful to have a job and to be able to study I´m so Grateful with the teacher Claudia, because she is so kind, I give thanks to had class with she. THANKS TEACHER!

    Angela Mariana Arrieta Hipolito

    Thank you teacher for all the learning you gave me, for teaching us that we should always give others a smile, especially for teaching us to be grateful for good things and bad things. I hope to continue agreeing with you, you are an excellent teacher. I love her very much and I hope God bless her and her family. Finally, I thank you for having met an excellent teacher. See you soon!

    Diego Valencia Rivadeneyra

    I am grateful to have great parents who always go out of their way to give me their best to be well and excel. As well as I am also grateful for the brother I have, because he takes care of me and knows how to keep me on the right track, he guides me and keeps me away from things that are not right. I am very grateful for all the good and bad that happens to me because I know that everything is for the better. I want to give thanks for the excellent teacher assigned to me in this subject, English, because thanks to her I will improve every day, because I learned new words, and my English improved. I am also grateful for the good companions I had on this occasion, and although I did not meet them in person, they were very kind and friendly with some. Maybe not talk to everyone. I am very grateful to God, for allowing me one more day of life, for being the girl I am until now, a very good student and hard worker. I am very grateful to my employers for trusting me and giving me the opportunity to be with them, giving my service to clients. I thank my friends because they support me when I need someone, they guide me with the tasks when I have doubts, etc. Although I am also grateful for all those things or moments that did not happen in me. I thank my mom who made me dinner today, for all the days she makes me eat breakfast and lunch. And, to God, since I am grateful for giving us something to eat because there are children who suffer from hunger. I am very grateful and happy with my life; I totally love it.

    Fatima Morgado

    I am very grateful that my plans are working out well. today I feel very thankful because I woke up in my bed. I am very grateful to my parents for helping me achieve my goals. today I am very grateful for my work. I am grateful that my niece is back today. I am very grateful to my parents for supporting me in everything. I am very grateful to be able to eat what I want when I want. I am grateful to my teachers this semester, because they have been very understanding with me and my classmates. I am thankful that I have a home and food on my table every day. I am grateful to be able to see my grandparents every day. I am very grateful to my friends for always supporting me. I am grateful to be able to travel. I am very grateful to be studying at the university. I am thankful for waking up every day and being able to see the world. I am thankful that I did not have coronavirus. I am thankful for my skin color. Today I am thankful that I no longer have depression. Today I am just thankful to be alive. I am grateful to myself for never giving up.

    Jesús Ricardo Hernández Rivera

    I express my gratitude to all the people who have passed through my life, they have all taught me something, good or bad, they are lessons that will serve me in my future. I am grateful for my fears because thanks to them I am improving day by day. I am grateful to myself because despite how much my grandmother's death has hurt me, I have been strong enough to continue living. I am grateful for each one of my dreams and those of my family because these dreams are the ones that drive me every day. I am grateful to all my teachers, because thanks to their effort, dedication and love they provide us with their knowledge. I am grateful to my English teacher because in this semester certain things have become clear to me that I did not understand very well. I am grateful for the life I have, with its ups and downs. I am grateful to the people around me who provide me with support, love, care, and understanding. I am grateful to my mother, because whenever she cooks, she does it with a lot of love and is super delicious.

    Abigail Ortiz Torres

    I am grateful to myself because despite my problems, my sorrows and all my mistakes, I am still a good person.  I am grateful to all the people who congratulated me, and who sent me kind wishes and blessings. I really appreciate them a lot. I am grateful for having friends who are there when I need them most, and for being my support when I have needed the strength to get up.  I thank life for sending me good wishes and also for the joys in my life.  I am grateful for the love of those around me, the good and bad moments, what I learned, what I gained and also, for what I lost and what I am about to live. Today I thank my best friend for thanks for being my support, for always being by my side and for being my loyal friend. I can only thank you infinitely.

    Brando Martínez González


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