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Time management of higher education teaching using artificial intelligence

Teachers at different educational levels perform two main tasks: on the one hand, classes in the classroom and, on the other hand, administrative management consisting of processes that are carried out before the class to be applied during the class and to be graded after the class. Therefore, the objective of the research is to optimize the time of high school teachers through AI, achieving the organization and control of activities and tasks in an efficient way to maximize the productivity expected in the classroom space in the XXI century. This paper is developed as a theoretical reflection that belongs to a quantitative research with previously reviewed sources of information. The results describe the use and advantages of the different AI according to their purpose of creation, such is the case of the algorithms for the realization of slides, creation of rubrics, or elaboration of some activities to apply in the classroom space. It is perceived that this digital space supports the teaching work, but for a greater precision in the results, it is necessary to purchase a membership (premium space) or, if necessary, and annexed to this, to review the activities derived from the process.

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Time management of higher education teaching using artificial intelligence

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Time Management, Teaching Activities, Higher Education, Artificial Intelligence.

  • Keywords: Time Management, Teaching Activities, Higher Education, Artificial Intelligence.

  • Abstract:

    Teachers at different educational levels perform two main tasks: on the one hand, classes in the classroom and, on the other hand, administrative management consisting of processes that are carried out before the class to be applied during the class and to be graded after the class. Therefore, the objective of the research is to optimize the time of high school teachers through AI, achieving the organization and control of activities and tasks in an efficient way to maximize the productivity expected in the classroom space in the XXI century. This paper is developed as a theoretical reflection that belongs to a quantitative research with previously reviewed sources of information. The results describe the use and advantages of the different AI according to their purpose of creation, such is the case of the algorithms for the realization of slides, creation of rubrics, or elaboration of some activities to apply in the classroom space. It is perceived that this digital space supports the teaching work, but for a greater precision in the results, it is necessary to purchase a membership (premium space) or, if necessary, and annexed to this, to review the activities derived from the process.

  • Cindy Kristhell Márquez Suárez
  • José Ramón Peralta Jiménez
  • Blanca Jasmín Silva Pérez
  • Blanca Eni Moreno Roa
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