Artigo - Atena Editora


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Today is characterized by complex human, social and economic relations, by the dynamism, competitiveness and fluidity of markets and by increasing technological advances. Companies need to improve their ability to adapt in order to offer products and services to increasingly diverse and demanding customers, as well as improve their management practices to obtain competitive advantages. Consistently knowing what they do, understanding the importance of employees, considering the need to develop internal institutional capabilities and develop strategies that allow them to meet their needs is an essential condition for organizations. In this context, competency-based management presents itself as a highly valuable instrument for companies to develop and combine knowledge, skills and attitudes (at a human/professional level and at an organizational level) in order to enable the achievement of their objectives. Through bibliographical research, comprising sources between the years 2001 and 2019, this work presents concepts and reflections on the current scenario of companies' operations, skills, management by skills, mapping of skills and the benefits that can be achieved through the appropriate use of competency management, which can effectively contribute to achieving organizational success. Finally, the importance of commitment and continuous institutional effort is highlighted so that competency-based management fulfills its purpose.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.55834423211110

  • Palavras-chave: Skills. Management by Competences. Competency Mapping. Organizational Improvement. Organizational psychology.

  • Keywords: Skills. Management by Competences. Competency Mapping. Organizational Improvement. Organizational psychology.

  • Abstract:

    Today is characterized by complex human, social and economic relations, by the dynamism, competitiveness and fluidity of markets and by increasing technological advances. Companies need to improve their ability to adapt in order to offer products and services to increasingly diverse and demanding customers, as well as improve their management practices to obtain competitive advantages. Consistently knowing what they do, understanding the importance of employees, considering the need to develop internal institutional capabilities and develop strategies that allow them to meet their needs is an essential condition for organizations. In this context, competency-based management presents itself as a highly valuable instrument for companies to develop and combine knowledge, skills and attitudes (at a human/professional level and at an organizational level) in order to enable the achievement of their objectives. Through bibliographical research, comprising sources between the years 2001 and 2019, this work presents concepts and reflections on the current scenario of companies' operations, skills, management by skills, mapping of skills and the benefits that can be achieved through the appropriate use of competency management, which can effectively contribute to achieving organizational success. Finally, the importance of commitment and continuous institutional effort is highlighted so that competency-based management fulfills its purpose.

  • Walber Dias Arruda
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