Artigo - Atena Editora


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Current conceptions of communication have different focuses, but they do not address the essential issues, the fundamentals, more related to communion, and which can be associated with the founding values of communicative art. An exploratory essay is proposed to investigate whether spiritualism, humanism and ecology values can be associated with the essence of the art of communication, outlining purposes and indicating possibilities to achieve them. The findings suggest that the guidelines of the Rosicrucian Appellatio manifesto indicate directions that can contribute in the quest to unravel something of the mystery of communication, which emerges from the inter(intra)suprarelationship between “One, Other(s), Planet and Cosmic”, in that each of these dimensions communicates with the others, everything being inter(intra)supraconnected and composing a whole in constant communicative relationship and which can be a path to divine communion. With regard to propositions of new values to go beyond, it is evident that the map of communicative relationships can serve to locate negative aspects and allow reflection, directions to propose to balance communication actions and neutralize possible distortions. Thus, it is suggested that the values of spiritualism, humanism and ecology can lead to a new imaginary, which suggests that it is possible to consider them foundations of the art of communication.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.21631623050710

  • Palavras-chave: art of communication, essential aspects, Appellatio manifesto, Communication.

  • Keywords: art of communication, essential aspects, Appellatio manifesto, Communication.

  • Abstract:

    Current conceptions of communication have different focuses, but they do not address the essential issues, the fundamentals, more related to communion, and which can be associated with the founding values of communicative art. An exploratory essay is proposed to investigate whether spiritualism, humanism and ecology values can be associated with the essence of the art of communication, outlining purposes and indicating possibilities to achieve them. The findings suggest that the guidelines of the Rosicrucian Appellatio manifesto indicate directions that can contribute in the quest to unravel something of the mystery of communication, which emerges from the inter(intra)suprarelationship between “One, Other(s), Planet and Cosmic”, in that each of these dimensions communicates with the others, everything being inter(intra)supraconnected and composing a whole in constant communicative relationship and which can be a path to divine communion. With regard to propositions of new values to go beyond, it is evident that the map of communicative relationships can serve to locate negative aspects and allow reflection, directions to propose to balance communication actions and neutralize possible distortions. Thus, it is suggested that the values of spiritualism, humanism and ecology can lead to a new imaginary, which suggests that it is possible to consider them foundations of the art of communication.

  • Ricardo Uhry
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