Artigo - Atena Editora


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The production of quality seedlings involves the composition of the substrate used in this stage. The work aimed to evaluate the addition of different sources of N to a commercial substrate in the production of yellow passion fruit seedlings. The experiment was conducted in DBC with 6 treatments and 4 replications, with each plot consisting of 8 seedlings. The treatments evaluated were C (control - commercial substrate Carolina Soil ®), UC (C + conventional urea), UP (C + polymerized urea), NBPT (C + urea with urease inhibitor), SA (C + ammonium sulfate), EB (C + cattle manure in a 2:1 ratio). The N dose was divided into two applications at 36 days after emergence (DAE) and 51 DAE using the sources of each treatment. The tanned cattle manure was mixed with the substrate on the day of sowing. At 51 DAE, four plants from each treatment had the SPAD index, seedling height, root and shoot dry biomass evaluated. Assessments were repeated at 66 DAE on the remaining four seedlings of each treatment. The addition of N in the form of polymerized urea (UP), ammonium sulfate (SA) and urea with urease inhibitor (NBPT) to the commercial substrate provided the best responses in the production of yellow passion fruit seedlings.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9733172320102

  • Palavras-chave: Passiflora edulis Sims f.flavicarpa DEG. Commercial substrate. Fertilizing.

  • Keywords: Passiflora edulis Sims f.flavicarpa DEG. Commercial substrate. Fertilizing.

  • Abstract:

    The production of quality seedlings involves the composition of the substrate used in this stage. The work aimed to evaluate the addition of different sources of N to a commercial substrate in the production of yellow passion fruit seedlings. The experiment was conducted in DBC with 6 treatments and 4 replications, with each plot consisting of 8 seedlings. The treatments evaluated were C (control - commercial substrate Carolina Soil ®), UC (C + conventional urea), UP (C + polymerized urea), NBPT (C + urea with urease inhibitor), SA (C + ammonium sulfate), EB (C + cattle manure in a 2:1 ratio). The N dose was divided into two applications at 36 days after emergence (DAE) and 51 DAE using the sources of each treatment. The tanned cattle manure was mixed with the substrate on the day of sowing. At 51 DAE, four plants from each treatment had the SPAD index, seedling height, root and shoot dry biomass evaluated. Assessments were repeated at 66 DAE on the remaining four seedlings of each treatment. The addition of N in the form of polymerized urea (UP), ammonium sulfate (SA) and urea with urease inhibitor (NBPT) to the commercial substrate provided the best responses in the production of yellow passion fruit seedlings.

  • Jaqueline Rodrigues
  • Matheus Magalhães KOHL
  • Janaine Myrna Rodrigues REIS
  • Marcelo de Almeida REIS
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