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National Fund for Medical Attention for Traffic Accidents: Context, Analysis and Financial Balance

Social security, in general terms, guarantees coverage against events related to health, old age and work accidents. Specifically, the health subsystem covers four areas: 1) health promotion, 2) disease prevention and treatment, 3) patient rehabilitation, and 4) pregnancy and childbirth. However, work accidents and traffic accidents are excluded. The first is covered by the labor risk component within the Law. The second, although an accident fund is established, insurance for traffic accidents falls on agents outside of social security. The latter poses significant social and financial challenges. On the social side, the traffic accident, depending on the complexity, can leave economic consequences of reduced family income. On the financial side, it results in extraordinary expenses, from which the household does not take any provision.

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National Fund for Medical Attention for Traffic Accidents: Context, Analysis and Financial Balance

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2162202219105

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract:

    Social security, in general terms, guarantees coverage against events related to health, old age and work accidents. Specifically, the health subsystem covers four areas: 1) health promotion, 2) disease prevention and treatment, 3) patient rehabilitation, and 4) pregnancy and childbirth. However, work accidents and traffic accidents are excluded. The first is covered by the labor risk component within the Law. The second, although an accident fund is established, insurance for traffic accidents falls on agents outside of social security. The latter poses significant social and financial challenges. On the social side, the traffic accident, depending on the complexity, can leave economic consequences of reduced family income. On the financial side, it results in extraordinary expenses, from which the household does not take any provision.

  • Luis Reyes
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