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Finite Element Simulation of a Synchronous Wind Generator with Soft Magnetic Material Rotor

This work presents a study of the use of finite elements for the simulation of synchronous generators with soft magnetic composite core (SMC). For this, the analysis of the magnetic flux variation in the air gap is used in this technique, through the simulation by the finite element method (FEM), through Ansys Maxwell software. In the study, scenarios of mapping and capture of flow results are proposed, in order to observe the effects and later contour conditions in the machine operating parameters. The applicability of (SMC) materials in generation projects is then discussed. In addition, design and performance are dependent on machine output parameters, in direct application scenarios, for the proper conditions to which it is proposed.

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Finite Element Simulation of a Synchronous Wind Generator with Soft Magnetic Material Rotor

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3172162225072

  • Palavras-chave: Soft magnetic materials; Finite element analysis; Renewable energy sources; Wind energy generation; Electric machines

  • Keywords: Soft magnetic materials; Finite element analysis; Renewable energy sources; Wind energy generation; Electric machines

  • Abstract:

    This work presents a study of the use of finite elements for the simulation of synchronous generators with soft magnetic composite core (SMC). For this, the analysis of the magnetic flux variation in the air gap is used in this technique, through the simulation by the finite element method (FEM), through Ansys Maxwell software. In the study, scenarios of mapping and capture of flow results are proposed, in order to observe the effects and later contour conditions in the machine operating parameters. The applicability of (SMC) materials in generation projects is then discussed. In addition, design and performance are dependent on machine output parameters, in direct application scenarios, for the proper conditions to which it is proposed.

  • Número de páginas: 5

  • Jaime André Back
  • Lírio Schaeffer
  • Heitor Assunção
  • Jeferson Camilotti Gaio
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