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The present study proposes to carry out an approach centered on Fibromyalgia, highlighting its clinic, diagnosis and treatment. For the selection of articles and documents, a search was used with the descriptors “Fibromyalgia”, “Diagnosis”, and “Signs and Symptoms”. The databases used for consultation included UpToDate, Google Scholar, BIREME and DATASUS. Articles and national and international documents from health agencies available from 2005 to 2019 that supported this study were searched. With the aim of expanding knowledge on the subject, since the diagnosis, treatment and control of this rheumatic syndrome that significantly affects the quality of life of patients is of great relevance.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593132318024

  • Palavras-chave: Fibromialgia, Síndrome reumática, Sinais e sintomas, Tratamento.

  • Keywords: Fibromyalgia, Rheumaticsyndrome, Signsandsymptoms, Treatment.

  • Abstract:

    The present study proposes to carry out an approach centered on Fibromyalgia, highlighting its clinic, diagnosis and treatment. For the selection of articles and documents, a search was used with the descriptors “Fibromyalgia”, “Diagnosis”, and “Signs and Symptoms”. The databases used for consultation included UpToDate, Google Scholar, BIREME and DATASUS. Articles and national and international documents from health agencies available from 2005 to 2019 that supported this study were searched. With the aim of expanding knowledge on the subject, since the diagnosis, treatment and control of this rheumatic syndrome that significantly affects the quality of life of patients is of great relevance.

  • Fernanda Oliveira Coelho da Silva
  • Ana Beatriz Sales Silva
  • Camila Valadares Giardini
  • Clara Eliza Batista de Souza
  • Giovanna Vita Barbosa Marinho Silva
  • Guilherme Sousa Martins
  • Janykelly Soares de Oliveira Alves
  • Maria Eduarda Moura Silva
  • Jhonathon Soares Marinho
  • Myrllen Mikaellen Silva de Sousa
  • Lanessa Áquyla Pereira de Sousa
  • Audryelle Pinheiro dos Santos
  • Bruna Matos Rocha Arrais Maia Dantas
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