This article intends to explore part of the research project presented to the Graduate Program in Rural Studies at the Universidade dos Vales Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Diamantina, Minas Gerais. The research intends to establish a tension between feminism and rural unionism in Vale do Jequitinhonha. Since this region of Minas Gerais is constantly linked to themes such as misery, eucalyptus monoculture, migration to sugarcane cutting, rural poverty, among other stigmatizing factors. However, our objective is to understand the role of rural unionism in Vale do Jequitinhonha and its relationship with feminism. To understand if there is an approximation with feminist theories and how such theories were interpreted. Considering the historical context of the formation of trade unionism in Brazil. Under these conditions, how unionized women who had a feminist training appropriated this discourse, since they are women who live in a culturally patriarchal and Catholic society. And so, from a perspective of access to social rights, was the feminist discourse an instrument of access to the social security rights of these rural women, aiming at the same time at the construction of citizenship and a more just and egalitarian society?
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.21622122201010
Palavras-chave: feminism, unionism; rural welfare; rural women.
Keywords: feminism, unionism; rural welfare; rural women.
This article intends to explore part of the research project presented to the Graduate Program in Rural Studies at the Universidade dos Vales Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Diamantina, Minas Gerais. The research intends to establish a tension between feminism and rural unionism in Vale do Jequitinhonha. Since this region of Minas Gerais is constantly linked to themes such as misery, eucalyptus monoculture, migration to sugarcane cutting, rural poverty, among other stigmatizing factors. However, our objective is to understand the role of rural unionism in Vale do Jequitinhonha and its relationship with feminism. To understand if there is an approximation with feminist theories and how such theories were interpreted. Considering the historical context of the formation of trade unionism in Brazil. Under these conditions, how unionized women who had a feminist training appropriated this discourse, since they are women who live in a culturally patriarchal and Catholic society. And so, from a perspective of access to social rights, was the feminist discourse an instrument of access to the social security rights of these rural women, aiming at the same time at the construction of citizenship and a more just and egalitarian society?
- joselia barroso queiroz lima
- Josélia Barroso Queiroz
- Erica Pinto de Moraes