Artigo - Atena Editora


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Scientific cooperation networks generate the sharing of information and the mapping of competences and diverse knowledge, which contribute to the development of research from the Generation of knowledge to the introduction of the product in the market. This process can be influenced by different factors that can be decisive in conception. The aim of this article is to identify and analyze the main factors that influence scientific cooperation between researchers working in the field of leishmaniasis. Research data were collected through interviews and a questionnaire, addressing scientific production on leishmaniasis with an emphasis on scientific cooperation and the panorama of cooperative scientific production in a network. Among the observed attributes, obstacles in relationships and aspects related to distrust proved to be the most relevant assets in this process. Trust and integrity proved to be essential for the establishment of scientific cooperation.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.15934423140610

  • Palavras-chave: Scientific cooperation; Management of cooperative networks; Leishmaniasis research

  • Keywords: Scientific cooperation; Management of cooperative networks; Leishmaniasis research

  • Abstract:

    Scientific cooperation networks generate the sharing of information and the mapping of competences and diverse knowledge, which contribute to the development of research from the Generation of knowledge to the introduction of the product in the market. This process can be influenced by different factors that can be decisive in conception. The aim of this article is to identify and analyze the main factors that influence scientific cooperation between researchers working in the field of leishmaniasis. Research data were collected through interviews and a questionnaire, addressing scientific production on leishmaniasis with an emphasis on scientific cooperation and the panorama of cooperative scientific production in a network. Among the observed attributes, obstacles in relationships and aspects related to distrust proved to be the most relevant assets in this process. Trust and integrity proved to be essential for the establishment of scientific cooperation.

  • Márcio Aldrin França Cavalcante
  • Ricardo Barros Sampaio
  • Ricardo de Godoi Mattos Ferreira
  • Gerson Oliveira Penna
  • Manoel Barral Netto
  • Wagner de Jesus Martins
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