Artigo - Atena Editora


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Bullying is a type of violence that can occur in different places and in different ways, with schools being one of the possible environments for this violence to occur. Because some of the main objectives for its event are the desire to harm or humiliate the target, bullying leads to numerous psychological consequences for those involved, such as a greater propensity to develop depression, low self-esteem and antisocial behavior. It is also worth highlighting that violence suffered in family and school contexts can influence the practice of bullying, as well as discriminatory acts related to skin color, sexual orientation and physical appearance. With these factors in mind, the objective of this research was to identify the phenomena that contribute to the development of bullying among students. To this end, an integrative literature review of articles available on the online platforms Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciElo Brasil) and ``Periódicos Eletrônicos em Psicologia`` (PePSIC) was carried out. As inclusion criteria, the following stood out: articles published between 2017 and 2022 and articles published in Portuguese. Regarding the exclusion criteria, these included articles published in foreign languages, which were unrelated to the objective of the research, where access to the full article was not available and which were duplicates in the databases searched. As a result, nine articles were found that covered the theme of triggering factors for bullying, which were subdivided into three categories, namely, sociodemographic aspects, school characteristics and family relationships. It was possible to observe a relationship between the practice of bullying and characteristics associated with the male sex, the age group of 13 to 15 years, dissatisfaction with body image, the treatment received in the school context and violence experienced or witnessed in the family environment. It is concluded that this article contributed to the elucidation of relevant issues about the practice of bullying, helping to raise new discussions with the aim of understanding viable forms of interventions for this context.

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  • Abstract:

    Bullying is a type of violence that can occur in different places and in different ways, with schools being one of the possible environments for this violence to occur. Because some of the main objectives for its event are the desire to harm or humiliate the target, bullying leads to numerous psychological consequences for those involved, such as a greater propensity to develop depression, low self-esteem and antisocial behavior. It is also worth highlighting that violence suffered in family and school contexts can influence the practice of bullying, as well as discriminatory acts related to skin color, sexual orientation and physical appearance. With these factors in mind, the objective of this research was to identify the phenomena that contribute to the development of bullying among students. To this end, an integrative literature review of articles available on the online platforms Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciElo Brasil) and ``Periódicos Eletrônicos em Psicologia`` (PePSIC) was carried out. As inclusion criteria, the following stood out: articles published between 2017 and 2022 and articles published in Portuguese. Regarding the exclusion criteria, these included articles published in foreign languages, which were unrelated to the objective of the research, where access to the full article was not available and which were duplicates in the databases searched. As a result, nine articles were found that covered the theme of triggering factors for bullying, which were subdivided into three categories, namely, sociodemographic aspects, school characteristics and family relationships. It was possible to observe a relationship between the practice of bullying and characteristics associated with the male sex, the age group of 13 to 15 years, dissatisfaction with body image, the treatment received in the school context and violence experienced or witnessed in the family environment. It is concluded that this article contributed to the elucidation of relevant issues about the practice of bullying, helping to raise new discussions with the aim of understanding viable forms of interventions for this context.

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