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Factors Influencing Paves Production Volume at Construtora de Nampula in April 2019

This scientific article aims to analyze the factors that influence the production capacity of paves of a construction company in the province of Nampula, in the month of April of the year 2019, applying tools of quantitative methods to determine the influence of the workers' profile on the production capacity, for this purpose, documentary research was carried out to collect data on: age, technical training of paves, practice of physical exercises and production volume of each worker of that construction company.

For the article presented, I hope to improve the degree of importance of statistics as a solution to problems and the use of quantitative methods for the strategic planning of the company.

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Factors Influencing Paves Production Volume at Construtora de Nampula in April 2019

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2162162229084

  • Palavras-chave: Production volume; Analysis; Quantitative methods.

  • Keywords: Production volume; Analysis; Quantitative methods.

  • Abstract:

    This scientific article aims to analyze the factors that influence the production capacity of paves of a construction company in the province of Nampula, in the month of April of the year 2019, applying tools of quantitative methods to determine the influence of the workers' profile on the production capacity, for this purpose, documentary research was carried out to collect data on: age, technical training of paves, practice of physical exercises and production volume of each worker of that construction company.

    For the article presented, I hope to improve the degree of importance of statistics as a solution to problems and the use of quantitative methods for the strategic planning of the company.

  • Número de páginas: 7

  • Lee Cheng Arune Chin Ching Vim
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