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Evolutionary bases of maternal-branch behavior in cutting cattle

Failures or delays in ingestion of colostrum by calves shortly after birth elevates their risks of death. Success in breastful rapidly after birth is dependent on intrinsic factors to the calf, the behavior of your mother, and environmental causes. In this article, a review of literature is presented for the establishment of behavioral patterns in maternal-affiliated relationships that have an impact on calf survival, under evolutionary focus.

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Evolutionary bases of maternal-branch behavior in cutting cattle

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.973212214011

  • Palavras-chave: Behavioral patterns, behavioral genetics, calves, environment.

  • Keywords: Behavioral patterns, behavioral genetics, calves, environment.

  • Abstract:

    Failures or delays in ingestion of colostrum by calves shortly after birth elevates their risks of death. Success in breastful rapidly after birth is dependent on intrinsic factors to the calf, the behavior of your mother, and environmental causes. In this article, a review of literature is presented for the establishment of behavioral patterns in maternal-affiliated relationships that have an impact on calf survival, under evolutionary focus.

  • Número de páginas: 27

  • Elaine Cristine Piffer Gonçalves
  • Ivana Marino Bárbaro-Torneli
  • Marcelo Henrique de Faria
  • Ricardo Dias Signoretti
  • Fernando Bergantini Miguel
  • Regina Kitagawa Grizotto
  • Anita Schmidek
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