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Evaluation of the actions of the coordinators of the schistosomiasis control program in municipalities of Pernambuco, Brazil

The objective was to carry out a normative evaluation of the actions of the coordinators of the Schistosomiasis Control Program in the control of this disease in the state of Pernambuco between 2010 and 2012. A logical model was constructed and validated from the normative apparatus and a semi-structured questionnaire that was applied to 18 coordinators of a random sample of 23 municipalities in the endemic zone for schistosomiasis in Pernambuco. The actions were judged from the creation of the Level of Implementation indicator, GI, of the “process”, which was 36.54 points, revealing its incipience. There was a failure in the control of the mollusc vector, in the notifications and investigations of serious cases and deaths, and also in the integrated and intersectoral actions, demonstrating the persistence of a curative model where there is the privilege of diagnostic and treatment actions to the detriment of surveillance actions. 

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Evaluation of the actions of the coordinators of the schistosomiasis control program in municipalities of Pernambuco, Brazil

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592512201099

  • Palavras-chave: Public health surveillance, Schistosomiasis, professional performance evaluation.

  • Keywords: Public health surveillance, Schistosomiasis, professional performance evaluation.

  • Abstract:

    The objective was to carry out a normative evaluation of the actions of the coordinators of the Schistosomiasis Control Program in the control of this disease in the state of Pernambuco between 2010 and 2012. A logical model was constructed and validated from the normative apparatus and a semi-structured questionnaire that was applied to 18 coordinators of a random sample of 23 municipalities in the endemic zone for schistosomiasis in Pernambuco. The actions were judged from the creation of the Level of Implementation indicator, GI, of the “process”, which was 36.54 points, revealing its incipience. There was a failure in the control of the mollusc vector, in the notifications and investigations of serious cases and deaths, and also in the integrated and intersectoral actions, demonstrating the persistence of a curative model where there is the privilege of diagnostic and treatment actions to the detriment of surveillance actions. 


  • Número de páginas: 20

  • Emília Carolle Azevedo de Oliveira
  • Alice Maria Barbosa de Oliveira
  • Tereza Neuma Guedes Wanderlei
  • Louisiana Regadas de Macedo Quinino
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