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Evaluation of nitrites in mononuclear cells in goats exposed to BCG vaccine

Tuberculosis (TB) is considered a re-emerging disease and the methods for its diagnosis have low sensitivity, due to the fact that it is a slow-growing bacterium. It is caused by species of the genus Mycobacterium and is a very important public health problem. The objective was to evaluate nitrites in mononuclear cell culture supernatants in goats exposed to the administration of the M. bovis BCG vaccine. BCG vaccination of goats. Ficoll-Hypaque method. Trypan blue dye exclusion test. Detection and quantification of NO2- by the ELISA method. In the first treatment (control) the concentration of NO2- fluctuated between 7.86 and 19.82 µM/l, in the second treatment (BCG vaccine for M. bovis) they were between 13.76 and 84.81 µM/l, observing a greater response three days after starting treatment. In the group to which the BCG vaccine was applied, there was a high production of NO by the activated macrophages, since they have a powerful antimicrobial mechanism. Therefore, it is feasible to evaluate nitrites, to determine latent tuberculosis infection.

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Evaluation of nitrites in mononuclear cells in goats exposed to BCG vaccine

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9733142331082

  • Palavras-chave: Tuberculosis, Nitrate reductase, BCG vaccine, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

  • Keywords: Tuberculosis, Nitrate reductase, BCG vaccine, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

  • Abstract:

    Tuberculosis (TB) is considered a re-emerging disease and the methods for its diagnosis have low sensitivity, due to the fact that it is a slow-growing bacterium. It is caused by species of the genus Mycobacterium and is a very important public health problem. The objective was to evaluate nitrites in mononuclear cell culture supernatants in goats exposed to the administration of the M. bovis BCG vaccine. BCG vaccination of goats. Ficoll-Hypaque method. Trypan blue dye exclusion test. Detection and quantification of NO2- by the ELISA method. In the first treatment (control) the concentration of NO2- fluctuated between 7.86 and 19.82 µM/l, in the second treatment (BCG vaccine for M. bovis) they were between 13.76 and 84.81 µM/l, observing a greater response three days after starting treatment. In the group to which the BCG vaccine was applied, there was a high production of NO by the activated macrophages, since they have a powerful antimicrobial mechanism. Therefore, it is feasible to evaluate nitrites, to determine latent tuberculosis infection.

  • Aurora Martínez Romero
  • José Luis Ortega Sánchez
  • Maribel Cervantes-Flores
  • José de Jesús Alba-Romero
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