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Theoretical Study on Formative Processes and Pedagogical Theories in the formation of teaching professionals

The article discusses how the dichotomy or the unification of theoretical and practical relationships can influence the education of educators, positively or negatively affecting their professional performance. The general objective of the article is to present how the analysis of pedagogical practices and their foundations, understood as praxis according to the theoretical perspective adopted, can help in understanding the complexity of these relationships. The idea is to investigate how teaching praxis in the face of dilemmas and perspectives can be developed in projects, with the aim of contributing to the application of studies on innovations in teaching practices. To better address the objectives and appreciate this research, it is observed that it is classified as exploratory research. A need for bibliographical research was also detected, in which materials already prepared were used, such as books, scientific articles, magazines, electronic documents and encyclopedias, to seek and allocate knowledge about the theoretical and practical foundations of teacher training, understood as praxis according to the theoretical perspective adopted. These can only be understood from the perspective of their totality. Thus, we sought to gather information with the purpose of answering the following research question: how the analysis of theoretical and practical relationships that involve the process of teacher training, the subject of several contemporary studies, can help in the development of epistemological knowledge that they are learned in the experience of teacher education.

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Theoretical Study on Formative Processes and Pedagogical Theories in the formation of teaching professionals

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583132319046

  • Palavras-chave: Pedagogical practices; Pedagogical theories; Epistemological, Teacher Training.

  • Keywords: Pedagogical practices; Pedagogical theories; Epistemological, Teacher Training.

  • Abstract:

    The article discusses how the dichotomy or the unification of theoretical and practical relationships can influence the education of educators, positively or negatively affecting their professional performance. The general objective of the article is to present how the analysis of pedagogical practices and their foundations, understood as praxis according to the theoretical perspective adopted, can help in understanding the complexity of these relationships. The idea is to investigate how teaching praxis in the face of dilemmas and perspectives can be developed in projects, with the aim of contributing to the application of studies on innovations in teaching practices. To better address the objectives and appreciate this research, it is observed that it is classified as exploratory research. A need for bibliographical research was also detected, in which materials already prepared were used, such as books, scientific articles, magazines, electronic documents and encyclopedias, to seek and allocate knowledge about the theoretical and practical foundations of teacher training, understood as praxis according to the theoretical perspective adopted. These can only be understood from the perspective of their totality. Thus, we sought to gather information with the purpose of answering the following research question: how the analysis of theoretical and practical relationships that involve the process of teacher training, the subject of several contemporary studies, can help in the development of epistemological knowledge that they are learned in the experience of teacher education.

  • William Garcia Espindola
  • Luís Augusto da Silva Domingues
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