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Case Study Regarding Qualified Professional Education

This case study presents an interpretative reflection on a pedagogical experience developed in a public teaching institution, in the capital of São Paulo, Brazil, in the first half of 2022. The unit of analysis is composed of a group of students from a professional course in Marketing, an area of ​​Communication that belongs to the set of Applied Social Sciences. We present as a corpus a set of authorial narratives written by students and published on blogs in cyberspace, along with other communicational works produced during the technical-professional training course. The corpus will be analyzed as content that records individual and collective daily life from the acquisition of knowledge. The question of the problem asks whether the students of the professional qualification course in the field of Communication, which requires the development of writing competence, describe their participation and activity as narrators of the sociocultural context experienced during the course. The objective of the study is to reflect on this student production as part of a knowledge construction process. The content analysis of the authorial narratives revealed the development of writing, reading and oral expression skills, a fact that could facilitate social interaction and presentation of professional projects, as well as, we can observe that the students improved the communication process between them, within and outside of school, enabling an inclusive coexistence that can contribute significantly to the social future of young people.

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Case Study Regarding Qualified Professional Education

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583112303047

  • Palavras-chave: Professional and Technological Education, Digital Marketing, Novotec.

  • Keywords: Professional and Technological Education, Digital Marketing, Novotec.

  • Abstract:

    This case study presents an interpretative reflection on a pedagogical experience developed in a public teaching institution, in the capital of São Paulo, Brazil, in the first half of 2022. The unit of analysis is composed of a group of students from a professional course in Marketing, an area of ​​Communication that belongs to the set of Applied Social Sciences. We present as a corpus a set of authorial narratives written by students and published on blogs in cyberspace, along with other communicational works produced during the technical-professional training course. The corpus will be analyzed as content that records individual and collective daily life from the acquisition of knowledge. The question of the problem asks whether the students of the professional qualification course in the field of Communication, which requires the development of writing competence, describe their participation and activity as narrators of the sociocultural context experienced during the course. The objective of the study is to reflect on this student production as part of a knowledge construction process. The content analysis of the authorial narratives revealed the development of writing, reading and oral expression skills, a fact that could facilitate social interaction and presentation of professional projects, as well as, we can observe that the students improved the communication process between them, within and outside of school, enabling an inclusive coexistence that can contribute significantly to the social future of young people.

  • Sonia Regina Soares da Cunha
  • Denilson Ferreira
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