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Structuring Concepts and Tools for Formatting a Market of Decarbonization in the Electric Energy Sector Brazilian

This work aims to analyze the structures of decarbonization markets, conceptualizing some of the main incentive methods for sustainable practices, aiming at adapting the concepts to the Brazilian reality. The entry of renewable sources and sustainable energy development are inexorable for the future of an environmentally harmonious society. The international energy agency (EIA) estimates that 80% of the electricity demand in the US will be supplied by renewable energies [1]. Developed countries are leading this transition via policies that encourage sustainability. Vanguard nations in the energy transition lead the process due to active institutions and civil society that pressure governments in the pursuit of decarbonization of the matrix. Even renewable energy sources being the cheapest power generation plants in much of the world [1] the structuring of markets and pro-decarbonization tools can accelerate the process of energy transition. Centrally organized policies can be capital in rapid change by establishing a more sustainable society during the shift to a clean matrix. This work aims to show established methods for accelerating the decarbonization of the Brazilian energy matrix, conceptualizing some of the main incentive methods. These methods will be described and analyzed with international examples of successful applications of the measures in question, and analyzed in the light of existing sustainable policy initiatives in Brazil. In conclusion, policies more adherent to the reality of the country are established. Formatting a carbon mechanism is a challenge given the interaction with numerous agents from different productive sectors. If properly implemented, carbon pricing will provide a pathway to a sustainable society. Being an incentive for public agents, companies and consumers to make changes in investments, expenses and behaviors towards more environmentally efficient alternatives.

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Structuring Concepts and Tools for Formatting a Market of Decarbonization in the Electric Energy Sector Brazilian

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173192305068

  • Palavras-chave: Carbon Pricing, Decarbonization Strategies, Energy Trade Systems, Renewables Energy, Sustainability.

  • Keywords: Carbon Pricing, Decarbonization Strategies, Energy Trade Systems, Renewables Energy, Sustainability.

  • Abstract:

    This work aims to analyze the structures of decarbonization markets, conceptualizing some of the main incentive methods for sustainable practices, aiming at adapting the concepts to the Brazilian reality. The entry of renewable sources and sustainable energy development are inexorable for the future of an environmentally harmonious society. The international energy agency (EIA) estimates that 80% of the electricity demand in the US will be supplied by renewable energies [1]. Developed countries are leading this transition via policies that encourage sustainability. Vanguard nations in the energy transition lead the process due to active institutions and civil society that pressure governments in the pursuit of decarbonization of the matrix. Even renewable energy sources being the cheapest power generation plants in much of the world [1] the structuring of markets and pro-decarbonization tools can accelerate the process of energy transition. Centrally organized policies can be capital in rapid change by establishing a more sustainable society during the shift to a clean matrix. This work aims to show established methods for accelerating the decarbonization of the Brazilian energy matrix, conceptualizing some of the main incentive methods. These methods will be described and analyzed with international examples of successful applications of the measures in question, and analyzed in the light of existing sustainable policy initiatives in Brazil. In conclusion, policies more adherent to the reality of the country are established. Formatting a carbon mechanism is a challenge given the interaction with numerous agents from different productive sectors. If properly implemented, carbon pricing will provide a pathway to a sustainable society. Being an incentive for public agents, companies and consumers to make changes in investments, expenses and behaviors towards more environmentally efficient alternatives.

  • Claudio Teixeira Junqueira
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