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Strategies of public health dentists for smoking cessation in patients

Health professionals, such as dentists, have credibility to influence the population they assist. Professionals who work with patients who use tobacco products can help them quit and reduce family smoking exposure. The aim of this study was to investigate the strategies used by dentists in Primary and Secondary Care for the cessation of tobacco use and derivatives in their patients and to evaluate differences in approaches for men and women. An exploratory descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample consisted of 16 dentists from the Public Network (8 from Primary Care and 8 from Secondary Care), chosen by lot (total of 44). Data collection was through the application of a questionnaire and open interview, addressing demographic and professional data, practices with users of tobacco products. The interviews were analyzed using Discourse Analysis using the Theory of Planned Behavior. It was observed that the dentists approached, identified the users, advised, but did not assist and follow them. Differences in approaches between genders were minimal. This study provided relevant information, its expansion may result in subsidies for the development of government strategies directed to this class.

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Strategies of public health dentists for smoking cessation in patients

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159382331017

  • Palavras-chave: Cessation, tobacco exposure, discourse analysis, dentistry.

  • Keywords: Cessation, tobacco exposure, discourse analysis, dentistry.

  • Abstract:

    Health professionals, such as dentists, have credibility to influence the population they assist. Professionals who work with patients who use tobacco products can help them quit and reduce family smoking exposure. The aim of this study was to investigate the strategies used by dentists in Primary and Secondary Care for the cessation of tobacco use and derivatives in their patients and to evaluate differences in approaches for men and women. An exploratory descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample consisted of 16 dentists from the Public Network (8 from Primary Care and 8 from Secondary Care), chosen by lot (total of 44). Data collection was through the application of a questionnaire and open interview, addressing demographic and professional data, practices with users of tobacco products. The interviews were analyzed using Discourse Analysis using the Theory of Planned Behavior. It was observed that the dentists approached, identified the users, advised, but did not assist and follow them. Differences in approaches between genders were minimal. This study provided relevant information, its expansion may result in subsidies for the development of government strategies directed to this class.

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