Artigo - Atena Editora


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Time of Death Estimation: The Role of Hermetia illucens in bones in the Savannah of Goiás

This study highlights the importance of determining the Minimum Post-Death Interval (MPI) in forensic investigations, with a particular focus on the role of forensic entomology and the specific characteristics of the savannah biome. Using Hermetia illucens as a keystone species, we investigated its colonization behavior and life cycle to improve IPMm estimates. Observations and controlled experiments led to a preliminary estimate of the IPMm situated on January 5, 2023, although we highlighted the influence of environmental and biological variables and the possibility of successive generations of insects occurring.
The study reiterates the need to consider the complexity of the activity of scavenging insects, as well as the specific conditions of each decomposition scenario. We highlight the importance of interdisciplinary approaches, combining entomology, climatology and other forensic sciences to produce more accurate and reliable estimates of IPMm. The research not only contributes to the knowledge base in forensic entomology, but also provides practical perspectives for resolving criminal cases, underlining the relevance of adapting forensic techniques to the specific environment and circumstances of each case investigated.

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Time of Death Estimation: The Role of Hermetia illucens in bones in the Savannah of Goiás

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  • Abstract:

    This study highlights the importance of determining the Minimum Post-Death Interval (MPI) in forensic investigations, with a particular focus on the role of forensic entomology and the specific characteristics of the savannah biome. Using Hermetia illucens as a keystone species, we investigated its colonization behavior and life cycle to improve IPMm estimates. Observations and controlled experiments led to a preliminary estimate of the IPMm situated on January 5, 2023, although we highlighted the influence of environmental and biological variables and the possibility of successive generations of insects occurring.
    The study reiterates the need to consider the complexity of the activity of scavenging insects, as well as the specific conditions of each decomposition scenario. We highlight the importance of interdisciplinary approaches, combining entomology, climatology and other forensic sciences to produce more accurate and reliable estimates of IPMm. The research not only contributes to the knowledge base in forensic entomology, but also provides practical perspectives for resolving criminal cases, underlining the relevance of adapting forensic techniques to the specific environment and circumstances of each case investigated.

  • Davi Rodrigues da Silva
  • Carla Fonsêca Arantes
  • Julio de Fatimo Rodrigues De Melo
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