Estimation of the Organizational Climate of a Higher Education Institution using Fuzzy Logic
Se presenta el desarrollo de un modelo difuso para abordar la problemática asociada a la medición del clima
organizacional del personal docente del Departamento de Ciencias Económico Administrativas de una institución de Educación Superior del Estado de Veracruz. Se plantean una serie de ítems para evaluar cada uno de los aspectos considerados como variables de entrada para detectar los aspectos débiles o negativos que se obtuvieron a partir de los resultados de la investigación de campo que se realizó, para lograr mejoras en el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores. Por último, se presentan conclusiones y propuestas de trabajo futuro.
Estimation of the Organizational Climate of a Higher Education Institution using Fuzzy Logic
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163142316069
Palavras-chave: modelo difuso, clima organizacional, desempeño laboral.
Keywords: diffuse model, organizational climate, job performance.
The development of a fuzzy model is presented to address the problems associated with the measurement of the organizational climate of the teaching staff of the Department of Administrative Economic Sciences of a Higher Education institution in the State of Veracruz. A series of items are proposed to evaluate each of the aspects considered as input variables to detect the weak or negative aspects that were obtained from the results of the field research that was carried out, to achieve improvements in the work performance of the collaborators. Finally, conclusions and proposals for future work are presented.
- Leticia Bretón Partida
- Ana Gabriela Cerón Zarate
- Hylda Marcela Gutiérrez Rodriguez
- María Elena Zepahua Neri
- Denisse Salmerón Flores