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Estimación del carbono almacenado del arbolado urbano de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, mediante modelos Biométricos.

El arbolado Urbano tiene un papel de gran importancia hoy en día en las grandes metrópolis del planeta, ya que generan una gran cantidad de servicios ambientales, que ayudan a disminuir la gran cantidad de contaminantes presentes en el aire. Por lo tanto, se ha convertido en un tema de vital importancia, la preservación, conservación y planeación de los arboles urbanos. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo probar 3 modelos biométricos: Torres y Guevara, 2002., Chamorro y Falconi, 2019, 2015 y Mercadet, 2009 para estimar el carbono almacenado en las fibras de los árboles. Se realizo un censo forestal de una de las zonas con mayor concurrencia en la ciudad de Guadalajara. Se reportaron 33 familias, 89 especies y 3325 árboles. Del total de árboles se reportó con almacenamiento la fórmula de Chamorro y Falconi, 2019como 679.064 toneladas, después Torres y Guevara con 512.83 toneladas y por último Mercadet con 367.370 toneladas. Por último, se realizó un análisis estadístico de varianza y posteriormente la prueba de Tukey, resultando que los tres modelos no presentan diferencias significativas; por lo que, se aplicó una desviación estándar y la que resulto con ±9.466 fue la fórmula de Mercadet, posteriormente Chamorro y Falconi, 2019 con ±17.64 y por último Torres y Guevara con 18.957. Para inventarios de carbono en zonas urbanas se recomida aplicar el modelo biométrico de Mercadet. 

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Estimación del carbono almacenado del arbolado urbano de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, mediante modelos Biométricos.

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.973252201063

  • Palavras-chave: Arbolado urbano, almacenamiento de carbono, modelos biométricos, gobernanza forestal

  • Keywords: Urban trees, carbon storage, biometric models, urban forest management.

  • Abstract:

    The importance of trees in big cities are fundamental. In addition to fulfilling multiple ecological functions that help combat climate change, they provide other environmental benefits and services to society. Urban trees can function as a temperature regulator, collector of carbon dioxide and pollutants harmful to health, facilitator of obtaining water, reducing noise and temperature. Therefore, it is vital to establish strategies for preserving and conserving urban trees since it has become a fundamental issue for the community's sustainable development. Some of the methods that help preserve urban trees are estimating the volume, biomass, and amount of carbon they can store. That said, the present work was carried out on urban trees in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, applying three biometric models to determine the total biomass of the trees: 1) Torres and Guevara (2002); 2) Chamorro y Falconi, 2019 (2015): and 3) Mercadet (2009). The dasometric data were taken from a forest census of one of the areas with the highest vehicular concurrence in Guadalajara. As a result, 33 families, 89 species, and 3325 trees were identified. Likewise, the forest inventory was processed and analyzed, determining that the Chamorro y Falconi, 2019 (2015) model was the one that reported the highest carbon storage with a result of 679,064 tons. Subsequently, with the Torres and Guevara (2002) model, a total of 512.83 tons was obtained, and a total of 367,370 tons with the Mercadet model (2009). Finally, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed and subsequently a Tukey test. As a result, the three models did not show significant differences. Therefore, a standard deviation was applied with the Mercadet model, yielding results of ± 9.466; then Chamorro y Falconi, 2019 with ± 17.64; finally, Torres and Guevara with ± 18,957. In conclusion, it was determined that Mercadet's formula is the one that best adapts to the study area since it presents less data dispersion.

  • Número de páginas: 11

  • Agustín Gallegos Rodríguez
  • Efrén Hernández Álvarez
  • Carlos Guzmán Paredes
  • Juan Luis Sube Ramirez
  • Arquímedes Godoy Gonzalez
  • Raúl de Jesús Jáuregui Rodríguez
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