Artigo - Atena Editora


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Remote education was a necessary emergency plan for all types of education, however, early childhood education was the most affected, due to the age group, as parents are the ones who must play the role of mediator throughout the entire education process. learning, and they are not always at home, they do not always have two cell phones for two or more children, and they do not always have internet at home or have the money to put credit, and those who keep them do not always know how to read to follow the activities sent by teachers. The perspective of this work was to evaluate the challenges of early childhood education teachers in schools in the city of Beberibe-CE, in adapting to remote teaching, aiming to understand how the process is going and understand the main difficulties that these early childhood education teachers are facing and analyze your perspectives regarding the positive and negative points regarding remote teaching. A questionnaire was used as a study through Google Forms, passed on to teachers through WhatsApp, and data collection through emails, however, given the responses obtained and shown in the figures, it was realized that educators had to return to studying to continue teaching their classes through digital media. Fortunately, the method they used reached all students, but they were not always able to monitor all students' learning in a satisfactory manner, they had to adapt the content for remote teaching. Along the way, science teaching improved with online classes, as did communication between family/school. In this sense, it is considered that the teachers were true warriors who, despite experiencing situations that were completely out of the ordinary, managed to continue their work with mastery.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Child education. Remote teaching. Teachers.

  • Keywords: Child education. Remote teaching. Teachers.

  • Abstract:

    Remote education was a necessary emergency plan for all types of education, however, early childhood education was the most affected, due to the age group, as parents are the ones who must play the role of mediator throughout the entire education process. learning, and they are not always at home, they do not always have two cell phones for two or more children, and they do not always have internet at home or have the money to put credit, and those who keep them do not always know how to read to follow the activities sent by teachers. The perspective of this work was to evaluate the challenges of early childhood education teachers in schools in the city of Beberibe-CE, in adapting to remote teaching, aiming to understand how the process is going and understand the main difficulties that these early childhood education teachers are facing and analyze your perspectives regarding the positive and negative points regarding remote teaching. A questionnaire was used as a study through Google Forms, passed on to teachers through WhatsApp, and data collection through emails, however, given the responses obtained and shown in the figures, it was realized that educators had to return to studying to continue teaching their classes through digital media. Fortunately, the method they used reached all students, but they were not always able to monitor all students' learning in a satisfactory manner, they had to adapt the content for remote teaching. Along the way, science teaching improved with online classes, as did communication between family/school. In this sense, it is considered that the teachers were true warriors who, despite experiencing situations that were completely out of the ordinary, managed to continue their work with mastery.

  • Cleucia dos Santos Leite
  • Airton Marques da Silva
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