Artigo - Atena Editora


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The purpose of this text is to carry out a theoretical presentation of concepts involving rural education and the agrarian question. The debates related to the agrarian question and agribusiness, dispute of bourgeois, working and peasant social classes, relativizing with Rural Education, having the territory as a delimitation, which is fundamental in the fight against hegemonic to allow the confrontation between the peasant class and the capitalist bourgeoisie. We consider that it is necessary to dialogue on topics such as liberating education and the teaching of geography in rural schools, being very beneficial to subsidize studies focused on the agrarian question, among them Rural Education, which is a right of all Brazilians who are in the rural area, uniting theory and learning through the pedagogy of alternation, valuing the practice and specificities of rural subjects.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582362223113

  • Palavras-chave: Agrarian question; Peasant class; Field Education.

  • Keywords: Agrarian question; Peasant class; Field Education.

  • Abstract:

    The purpose of this text is to carry out a theoretical presentation of concepts involving rural education and the agrarian question. The debates related to the agrarian question and agribusiness, dispute of bourgeois, working and peasant social classes, relativizing with Rural Education, having the territory as a delimitation, which is fundamental in the fight against hegemonic to allow the confrontation between the peasant class and the capitalist bourgeoisie. We consider that it is necessary to dialogue on topics such as liberating education and the teaching of geography in rural schools, being very beneficial to subsidize studies focused on the agrarian question, among them Rural Education, which is a right of all Brazilians who are in the rural area, uniting theory and learning through the pedagogy of alternation, valuing the practice and specificities of rural subjects.

  • William James Vendramini
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