Artigo - Atena Editora


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The load test test provides the analysis with great precision of the actual behavior of the structure, as it is a test performed on the same, thus encompassing all the singularities that the structural element may have suffered during its manufacture and use that may affect its operation (failures in the design and execution of the structure, omission of maintenance, incorrect use, exposure to bad weather, among others). The national standard NBR 9607 (ABNT, 2012) recommends the use of the load test test in the following situations: doubts about the quality of construction materials, inadequate use or maintenance or even a new use of the building, different from that initially foreseen in the project. This research aims to present the most important criteria that must be considered in a load test. Expose the procedures recommended by standard, highlighting the following topics: load test, recommendations for the test load test, intensity of applied load, way of applying the load and the test evaluation criteria. From the theoretical foundation, a case study was carried out applying such criteria and analyzing their results and defining the load to be supported by the analyzed structure.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3172262222119

  • Palavras-chave: Structural assessment, load testing, structures and concrete.

  • Keywords: Structural assessment, load testing, structures and concrete.

  • Abstract:

    The load test test provides the analysis with great precision of the actual behavior of the structure, as it is a test performed on the same, thus encompassing all the singularities that the structural element may have suffered during its manufacture and use that may affect its operation (failures in the design and execution of the structure, omission of maintenance, incorrect use, exposure to bad weather, among others). The national standard NBR 9607 (ABNT, 2012) recommends the use of the load test test in the following situations: doubts about the quality of construction materials, inadequate use or maintenance or even a new use of the building, different from that initially foreseen in the project. This research aims to present the most important criteria that must be considered in a load test. Expose the procedures recommended by standard, highlighting the following topics: load test, recommendations for the test load test, intensity of applied load, way of applying the load and the test evaluation criteria. From the theoretical foundation, a case study was carried out applying such criteria and analyzing their results and defining the load to be supported by the analyzed structure.

  • Clayton Reis de Oliveira
  • Armando Lopes Moreno Júnior
  • Luis Gustavo Simão de Oliveira
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