Artigo - Atena Editora


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Enchantment as visitor motivator in ecosystem entrepreneurship: The case of rural Vouzela


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Enchantment as visitor motivator in ecosystem entrepreneurship: The case of rural Vouzela

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163142316062

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract:

    Our entrepreneurship and citizenship project aims to better delineate the hospitality and
    tourism riches of the Municipality of Vouzela by taking advantage of its endogenous
    resources in line with sustainable tourism.  Using enchantment as a unifying theme, we built
    a system for consumer feedback that is immediate as well as comprehensive. This resulted
    in a system that is complete and that is seen as relevant locally, and which will guide
    bringing international status to Vouzela. As data gathering continues decision makers will
    increasingly rely on the system to learn which features and provisions benefit Vouzela most.

  • Yochanan Moran
  • Rense Lange
  • Sandra Serra
  • Leonor Alcoforado
  • Cesar Lopes
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