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ELECTROMAGNETISM: Application of physics in electrical energy meters

The electrical energy supplied by concessionaires to establishments and homes is measured by electrical energy consumption meters. From there, billing is carried out and an account is generated for the consumer to make payment. Among the meters used, the so-called electromechanical ones stand out, as they are present in most consumer units. In their operation, these devices use phenomena related to electromagnetism, a branch of physics that has applications in various areas, in addition to the aforementioned. Among the concepts applied in its operation is the principle of induction, in which two laws stand out: Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law. There are also principles related to electromagnetic force. Thus, understanding how the electromechanical electrical energy meter works, in addition to familiarizing people with equipment that is part of a large part of people's lives, illustrates the practical importance of this branch of physics, that is, electromagnetism.

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ELECTROMAGNETISM: Application of physics in electrical energy meters

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173382321114

  • Palavras-chave: Electromechanical energy meter. Electromagnetism. Electromagnetic induction. Electric force.

  • Keywords: Electromechanical energy meter. Electromagnetism. Electromagnetic induction. Electric force.

  • Abstract:

    The electrical energy supplied by concessionaires to establishments and homes is measured by electrical energy consumption meters. From there, billing is carried out and an account is generated for the consumer to make payment. Among the meters used, the so-called electromechanical ones stand out, as they are present in most consumer units. In their operation, these devices use phenomena related to electromagnetism, a branch of physics that has applications in various areas, in addition to the aforementioned. Among the concepts applied in its operation is the principle of induction, in which two laws stand out: Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law. There are also principles related to electromagnetic force. Thus, understanding how the electromechanical electrical energy meter works, in addition to familiarizing people with equipment that is part of a large part of people's lives, illustrates the practical importance of this branch of physics, that is, electromagnetism.

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