Artigo - Atena Editora


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Smart work and technological skills, in use to generate self-employment

The objective of this research is to determine alternatives to manage self-employment in the face of the economic effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. This is a research with a quantitative approach that applied an online questionnaire as an information gathering tool to determine the main effects of the Pandemic on the loss of economic security of the 293 people who responded to the request for information. With the processing of the data, the results were obtained that a very high percentage lost their jobs when economic activities were suspended and another one closed their source of income and now they find themselves with scarce resources, so they hope to change their situation by applying to the autonomously since the conditions of the economic activity still do not allow venturing to install a permanent establishment.

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Smart work and technological skills, in use to generate self-employment

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.216352313035

  • Palavras-chave: Habilidades tecnológicas, crisis económica, trabajo inteligente, empleo

  • Keywords: Technological skills, economic crisis, smart work, employment

  • Abstract:

    The objective of this research is to determine alternatives to manage self-employment in the face of the economic effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. This is a research with a quantitative approach that applied an online questionnaire as an information gathering tool to determine the main effects of the Pandemic on the loss of economic security of the 293 people who responded to the request for information. With the processing of the data, the results were obtained that a very high percentage lost their jobs when economic activities were suspended and another one closed their source of income and now they find themselves with scarce resources, so they hope to change their situation by applying to the autonomously since the conditions of the economic activity still do not allow venturing to install a permanent establishment.

  • María del Carmen García García
  • Dirce Alethia García García
  • Gerardo Eduardo León Hernández
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