The role of the teacher in the tutoring process as an element of quality in Universities
The role of the teacher in the tutoring process as an element of quality in Universities
Palavras-chave: Tutor, Competencias docentes, calidad educativa, tutoría académica
Keywords: Tutor, Teaching skills, educational quality, academic tutoring.
The higher education system in Mexico requires teaching focused on achieving the professional profile that society requires of the university graduation. It demands an organization of teaching based on learning, an improvement and adaptation of the methodologies that have been carried forward since ancient times, these must be more reflective, with a clear vision of achieving the learning expected at the end of their academic training. To do this, a teacher is required capable of accompanying the student in their educational path, guiding them, providing them with the necessary information, supporting them with academic tutoring and monitoring their learning process. Therefore, the tutor becomes a fundamental pillar that enhances learning and, without a doubt, becomes an important quality element in higher education.
The project focuses on describing the tutoring process that is carried out in higher education institutions as a resource that contributes to the learning of students at the Technological Universities of the State of Durango, in this context the profile of the tutor is indicated as fundamental element for the delivery of academic tutoring in a satisfactory and competent manner that responds to the needs of the university student.
- Irlanda Ramos Betancourt