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Climate impact on superovulatory response, quality, and stage of embryo development in tropical cattle.

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Climate impact on superovulatory response, quality, and stage of embryo development in tropical cattle.

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9733152312096

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: -Embryos, climate, cattle, tropics.

  • Abstract:

    Large temperature variations (as in cold fronts in the tropics), solar radiation and humidity impact productivity and
    reproductive activity in tropical cattle. These conditions, together with cattle genotype play a key role in a embryo transfer programs. This paper presents two cases in which temperature extremes (hot and cold) affected the superovulation response, embryo development and the percentage of transferable embryos (TE). In case no. 1, heat stress in Sinaloa resulted in an ET rate of 21.04%, while in case no. 2, a “northern” cold front in Veracruz resulted in an ET rate of 28.12%. It should be noted that in both embryo transfer programs, the mean number of transferable embryos was 1.1 and 2.2, respectively, indicating poor embryo development and a reduced number of oocytes obtained.

  • Javier Hernández-Ignacio
  • Rodrigo González-Gómez
  • Sandra Hernandez-Garduño
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