The Teacher in the face of COVID-19 using the tools of Information Technology
The Teacher in the face of COVID-19 using the tools of Information Technology
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.55833523190910
Palavras-chave: Tecnología, Covid, Métodos de enseñanza, Enseñanza multimedia, TIC, TAC
Keywords: Technology, Covid, Teaching methods, Multimedia teaching, ICT, TAC
The declaration of emergency caused by the covid-19 pandemic caused the indefinite closure of the country's educational establishments, a situation that gave rise to the use of communication and information technologies (ICT), as alternative and necessary ways to provide continuity. to the academic training processes of students.
This research aims to use information and communication technology (ICT) and learning and knowledge technologies (TAC), which contributed to the development of virtual education in Higher Education, as well as taking into account the challenges that teachers faced to continue with the development of teaching classes at a higher level. The bibliographic review and analysis of experiences implemented in times of the Covid-19 pandemic were used. In this social isolation, ICT and TAC assume a fundamental role in the way classes are taught for their continuous improvement with the knowledge of good practices with the use of information and communication technologies. In this context, the fusion between information and communication technologies and learning and knowledge technologies was necessary, allowing the student to be able to solve life's problems. The methodology is qualitative documentary research.
- Myrna Villegas Gaytan
- María Eloísa Concepción Carrera Hernández
- Olivia Quintero Alvarado
- Manuel Domínguez Chávez