Artigo - Atena Editora


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Currently money has different uses, the situation of the dilemma of the use of money is exposed, during these years of pandemic, where the use of cash was a health risk, giving priority to the use of electronic money. Likewise, the problem questions the use of digital money and reducing cash, seeking to generate greater confidence in using devices to manage it. Finally, certain solutions are proposed in cases where people have been benefited by using mobile devices to manage money. It is important to mention that the foregoing is verified by an investigation carried out by MasteCard, projects by private Mexican and government companies, and citations from official pages of Bando de México.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2162222227109

  • Palavras-chave: Dinero Electrónico, Efectivo, Internet, Dispositivos Móviles

  • Keywords: Electronic Money, Cash, Internet, Mobile Devices.

  • Abstract:

    Currently money has different uses, the situation of the dilemma of the use of money is exposed, during these years of pandemic, where the use of cash was a health risk, giving priority to the use of electronic money. Likewise, the problem questions the use of digital money and reducing cash, seeking to generate greater confidence in using devices to manage it. Finally, certain solutions are proposed in cases where people have been benefited by using mobile devices to manage money. It is important to mention that the foregoing is verified by an investigation carried out by MasteCard, projects by private Mexican and government companies, and citations from official pages of Bando de México.

  • Luis Enrique García Prado
  • Edgardo Roldán Y Tovar
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