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The Electronic Contract: Post-Pandemic Boom

Nowadays, in the face of constant social development and technological advances, virtual contracting has become the norm, hence the need to identify the electronic contract as part of daily life, where digital media have become the fastest communication mechanisms that foster the creation of commercial relationships over long distances without the need to be physically in the same place to carry out commercial transactions. Therefore, the need to carry out a study on the electronic contract, coupled with the fact that derived from the pandemic issue that affected society as a whole, it can be seen that marketing through electronic means increased.

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The Electronic Contract: Post-Pandemic Boom

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173382321119

  • Palavras-chave: electronic contract, electronic media, formalization, consent.

  • Keywords: electronic contract, electronic media, formalization, consent.

  • Abstract:

    Nowadays, in the face of constant social development and technological advances, virtual contracting has become the norm, hence the need to identify the electronic contract as part of daily life, where digital media have become the fastest communication mechanisms that foster the creation of commercial relationships over long distances without the need to be physically in the same place to carry out commercial transactions. Therefore, the need to carry out a study on the electronic contract, coupled with the fact that derived from the pandemic issue that affected society as a whole, it can be seen that marketing through electronic means increased.

  • Daniela Cortés Cedeño
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