Artigo - Atena Editora


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Introduction: Mobilization interventions performed in the ICU environment are considered a therapeutic intervention that potentially prevents or attenuates the functional compromise of muscle weakness acquired in the ICU. This way, the effect of early mobilization in seriously ill patients in the ICU must be reexamined Objective: To openly evaluate the evidence available on the effect of early mobilization in seriously ill patients in the ICU. Materials and methods: This is a systematic review of articles indexed in the databases SciELO, PubMed, LILACS, SPRINGERLINK, SCIENCE DIRECT and LATINDEX, in the period from October to November 2023. This includes original articles involving the effects of early mobilization in patients of units of intensive therapy. The collection was carried out by two independent reviewers and the interobserver agreement analysis was observed by means of the Kappa test (Bioestat V 5.0). Result: At the end of the search, 12 articles were selected, characterized by what we show, the method for evaluation and the main results. Eleven (91.66%) two twelve studies showed positive results in relation to early mobilization in patients subjected to this experience, these four (33.33%) articles also revealed associations between early mobilization and possible adverse effects and only one (8.33%) study Negative results were found in relation to early mobilization in patients. Conclusion: The results of this review show evidence in favor of early mobility, therefore, it is recommended that more studies be carried out with more rigorous documentation of mobilization and progress procedures to confirm these clinical benefits.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.15931012308128

  • Palavras-chave: early mobilization; intensive care units; muscle weakness.

  • Keywords: early mobilization; intensive care units; muscle weakness.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Mobilization interventions performed in the ICU environment are considered a therapeutic intervention that potentially prevents or attenuates the functional compromise of muscle weakness acquired in the ICU. This way, the effect of early mobilization in seriously ill patients in the ICU must be reexamined Objective: To openly evaluate the evidence available on the effect of early mobilization in seriously ill patients in the ICU. Materials and methods: This is a systematic review of articles indexed in the databases SciELO, PubMed, LILACS, SPRINGERLINK, SCIENCE DIRECT and LATINDEX, in the period from October to November 2023. This includes original articles involving the effects of early mobilization in patients of units of intensive therapy. The collection was carried out by two independent reviewers and the interobserver agreement analysis was observed by means of the Kappa test (Bioestat V 5.0). Result: At the end of the search, 12 articles were selected, characterized by what we show, the method for evaluation and the main results. Eleven (91.66%) two twelve studies showed positive results in relation to early mobilization in patients subjected to this experience, these four (33.33%) articles also revealed associations between early mobilization and possible adverse effects and only one (8.33%) study Negative results were found in relation to early mobilization in patients. Conclusion: The results of this review show evidence in favor of early mobility, therefore, it is recommended that more studies be carried out with more rigorous documentation of mobilization and progress procedures to confirm these clinical benefits.

  • Ana Beatriz Marques Barbosa
  • Rafaela Mayara Barbosa da Silva
  • Jorge Lucas Santos Oliveira
  • Maria Eduarda da Costa Brito
  • Leonardo Fernandes Gomes da Silva
  • Karla Usmenia Martins Nobrega
  • Rebeca Barbosa Dourado Ramalho
  • Fabiola Barbosa Fernandes
  • Pablo Giovanni Franklin Cruz
  • Luiz Henrique Alves Imperiano
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