Effect of an analysis of clients and interfunctional actions of the company on strategic actions to clients in market orientation in SME hotels
Effect of an analysis of clients and interfunctional actions of the company on strategic actions to clients in market orientation in SME hotels
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.317492414037
Palavras-chave: Orientación al mercado, clientes, SmartPLS.
Keywords: Market orientation, customers, Smart PLS.
The objective of this research is to know the effect of the construct customer analysis and interfunctional coordination on the construct Strategic actions for customers in a study on Market Orientation of hotels SMEs from the state of Sonora, Mexico. The data is obtained through a survey of middle management executives. In the method, a statistical analysis with Smart PLS is applied. The results highlight the importance of the quality of the information, the effect of conducting an analysis on clients and the strategies taken for customer service. Regarding its originality, there are few empirical studies in this area of knowledge in the region. The relevance is to provide ideas to make the internal activities of hotels efficient. It is concluded that on a Likert scale from 1 to 5 there is a market orientation above average, with the limitation of not being able to generalize the results to the entire country.
- Rafael Hernández León
- Cadena-Badilla Jesús Martín
- Vásquez-Quiroga Joaquín
- León-Moreno Francisco Javier