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Citizenship is an emerging issue that has gained significant political and social centrality, especially in contexts where the low standard of living of populations is a socially worrying issue with evident repercussions on the most vulnerable strata, in particular, women and children. Although this situation crosses several social sectors, it is particularly visible in the area of ​​education, where the effects are felt in a more intense and prolonged way. In Guinea-Bissau, this is an observable reality today, despite the initiatives carried out in the education sector, such as promoting access to school, extending compulsory education to nine years and improving the national school network. Thus, the relevance of Education for Citizenship (EC) is understood, especially if it focuses on dimensions such as learning to be, to be, to relate, to participate and to decide, thus contributing to the formation of knowledgeable, responsible citizens. and interventions in individual, community and social terms. This text presents some reflections on the importance of the curriculum in CE, in the context of the educational reform underway in Guinea-Bissau. In our opinion, the CE curriculum must be organized around three structuring axes – the individual, the relational and the community one –, essential for the development of capacities, competences and attitude that prepare young people for an effective integration in society.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582302221092

  • Palavras-chave: Education for Citizenship, Curriculum Contextualization, Curriculum.

  • Keywords: Education for Citizenship, Curriculum Contextualization, Curriculum.

  • Abstract:

    Citizenship is an emerging issue that has gained significant political and social centrality, especially in contexts where the low standard of living of populations is a socially worrying issue with evident repercussions on the most vulnerable strata, in particular, women and children. Although this situation crosses several social sectors, it is particularly visible in the area of ​​education, where the effects are felt in a more intense and prolonged way. In Guinea-Bissau, this is an observable reality today, despite the initiatives carried out in the education sector, such as promoting access to school, extending compulsory education to nine years and improving the national school network. Thus, the relevance of Education for Citizenship (EC) is understood, especially if it focuses on dimensions such as learning to be, to be, to relate, to participate and to decide, thus contributing to the formation of knowledgeable, responsible citizens. and interventions in individual, community and social terms. This text presents some reflections on the importance of the curriculum in CE, in the context of the educational reform underway in Guinea-Bissau. In our opinion, the CE curriculum must be organized around three structuring axes – the individual, the relational and the community one –, essential for the development of capacities, competences and attitude that prepare young people for an effective integration in society.

  • Fernando Manuel Seixas Guimarães
  • José Carlos Bernardino Carvalho Morgado
  • José Augusto Brito Pacheco
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