Interprofessional education in health courses and its influence on the training process of university students
Interprofessional Education (IPE) according to World Health Organization (2010) is characterized when students of two or more professions learn about others, with others and among themselves to qualify professional performance. In the educational field, a multifaceted approach aggregates learning and guarantees the safety and efficiency of professional content, as well as stimulating skills for teamwork, in addition to providing a complete and transforming experience when it comes to the training process. It is known that the EIP is one of the strategies that have been discussed, expanded and implemented in the political and pedagogical action plans of health education. Therefore, this study analyzed the influence and perception of interdisciplinarity in learning in practical activities, such as clinical care by university students of the medicine and Nutrition course who are in the disciplines of Internal Medicine and Professional Internship in Clinical Nutrition at the University of Ribeirão Preto - UNAERP. All students who participated in the practical activities of clinical care in the Nutrition and medicine courses were selected. A questionnaire was applied that seeks to understand the students' view of the two areas of activity and the positive and negative variables. The study had the participation of (n=124) participants, from medicine and Nutrition courses. Being 66% (n=82) participants of the medicine course and 34% (n=42) participants of the Nutrition course. The results were satisfactory in relation to the participants' perception of interprofessional learning. More than 80% of the students classified the experience as extremely relevant for professional training. Positive points were described by 100% (n=65) of the participants, such as sharing knowledge, therapeutic integration, clarification and alignment of conducts. Negative aspects were mentioned by 28% (n=18). Including conduct disagreement and time limitation for discussion. However, interprofessional education is considered a potential transforming tool in the training process of university students, encouraging the development of skills and abilities for collaborative work and breaking the paradigms of vertical relationships between health professionals
Interprofessional education in health courses and its influence on the training process of university students
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592812212125
Palavras-chave: Interdisciplinarity. Learning. University education. Health courses.
Keywords: Interdisciplinarity. Learning. University education. Health courses.
Interprofessional Education (IPE) according to World Health Organization (2010) is characterized when students of two or more professions learn about others, with others and among themselves to qualify professional performance. In the educational field, a multifaceted approach aggregates learning and guarantees the safety and efficiency of professional content, as well as stimulating skills for teamwork, in addition to providing a complete and transforming experience when it comes to the training process. It is known that the EIP is one of the strategies that have been discussed, expanded and implemented in the political and pedagogical action plans of health education. Therefore, this study analyzed the influence and perception of interdisciplinarity in learning in practical activities, such as clinical care by university students of the medicine and Nutrition course who are in the disciplines of Internal Medicine and Professional Internship in Clinical Nutrition at the University of Ribeirão Preto - UNAERP. All students who participated in the practical activities of clinical care in the Nutrition and medicine courses were selected. A questionnaire was applied that seeks to understand the students' view of the two areas of activity and the positive and negative variables. The study had the participation of (n=124) participants, from medicine and Nutrition courses. Being 66% (n=82) participants of the medicine course and 34% (n=42) participants of the Nutrition course. The results were satisfactory in relation to the participants' perception of interprofessional learning. More than 80% of the students classified the experience as extremely relevant for professional training. Positive points were described by 100% (n=65) of the participants, such as sharing knowledge, therapeutic integration, clarification and alignment of conducts. Negative aspects were mentioned by 28% (n=18). Including conduct disagreement and time limitation for discussion. However, interprofessional education is considered a potential transforming tool in the training process of university students, encouraging the development of skills and abilities for collaborative work and breaking the paradigms of vertical relationships between health professionals
- karina pfrimer
- Marina Fazzi Beinjamin
- Renata Dessordi
- Telma Maria Braga Costa
- Marcelo Rieira
- Tufik Jose Magalhães Geleilete
- Cristiane Martins Peres