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Entrepreneurial Education and Interdisciplinarity as Tools to Support Professional Training

This research presents a practice worked in a higher technology course in commercial management at a public college located in the State of São Paulo. The objective was to stimulate the exercise of entrepreneurship through the perception in relation to the possibilities of action. The practice allowed theories addressed in the content of the advertising and advertising discipline to be applied to solve problems, allowing the development of important perceptions such as the ability to simulate the structure and processes of an advertising agency and the construction of a model of business that delimited the market of action, persona adherent, monetization, teamwork, leadership and, mainly, to generate entrepreneurship, making the students, in a practical way, perceive their profession in a real way. Using bibliographical and documentary exploratory research and a case study, the activity was built thinking about solving problems and providing motivating activities, and thus, stimulating the development of transversal skills in students. Recognized by the students, the result was the realization of an experience within the professional context in which they will work based on a dynamic, multitasking and interactive behavior, behavior that currently defines the profile of the management student.

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Entrepreneurial Education and Interdisciplinarity as Tools to Support Professional Training

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558322222126

  • Palavras-chave: learning, entrepreneurship, training, interdisciplinarity.

  • Keywords: learning, entrepreneurship, training, interdisciplinarity.

  • Abstract:

    This research presents a practice worked in a higher technology course in commercial management at a public college located in the State of São Paulo. The objective was to stimulate the exercise of entrepreneurship through the perception in relation to the possibilities of action. The practice allowed theories addressed in the content of the advertising and advertising discipline to be applied to solve problems, allowing the development of important perceptions such as the ability to simulate the structure and processes of an advertising agency and the construction of a model of business that delimited the market of action, persona adherent, monetization, teamwork, leadership and, mainly, to generate entrepreneurship, making the students, in a practical way, perceive their profession in a real way. Using bibliographical and documentary exploratory research and a case study, the activity was built thinking about solving problems and providing motivating activities, and thus, stimulating the development of transversal skills in students. Recognized by the students, the result was the realization of an experience within the professional context in which they will work based on a dynamic, multitasking and interactive behavior, behavior that currently defines the profile of the management student.

  • Allbert Velleniche de A. Almeida
  • Bruno Donizette da Silva
  • Camila Martinelli Rocha
  • Vanessa Cristina Gatto
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