Artigo - Atena Editora


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Chest pain is one of the most frequent symptoms in Health Units, and it is up to professionals to take care of it, given that it can be an alert for some disease with imminent risk of death. The objective of the study is to determine the chest pain protocol to be followed in the first consultation in emergency units. This study was carried out based on an analysis of the First Aid Protocol for Chest Pain in Health Units, made available by the Secretary of State for Health of Espírito Santo - SESA. According to the SESA protocol, the first actions that must be taken are the collection of vital signs data, identification of the history and later the evaluation of typical or not typical chest pain (if present, perform the electrocardiogram - ECG). The typical pain characterizes angina or myocardial infarction, resembling a tightness or oppression in the chest and for this reason the ECG must be performed, in order to rule out the possibility of some disease that the patient may progress to death. After that, the Chest Pain Protocol must be completed, determining the clinical signs, risk factors and main complaint. This way, the patient will be forwarded correctly according to the result of the classification soon after communicating the doctor responsible for the shift. The protocol, when followed efficiently, reduces superfluous hospitalizations in 68% of cases, which leads to a reduction in costs, in addition to improving the well-being of patients. The protocol is relevant as it helps in the evaluation of patients who need immediate treatment, according to their risk potential, health problems or degree of suffering.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593362326059

  • Palavras-chave: Thoracic pain. Protocol. Typical Pain.

  • Keywords: Thoracic pain. Protocol. Typical Pain.

  • Abstract:

    Chest pain is one of the most frequent symptoms in Health Units, and it is up to professionals to take care of it, given that it can be an alert for some disease with imminent risk of death. The objective of the study is to determine the chest pain protocol to be followed in the first consultation in emergency units. This study was carried out based on an analysis of the First Aid Protocol for Chest Pain in Health Units, made available by the Secretary of State for Health of Espírito Santo - SESA. According to the SESA protocol, the first actions that must be taken are the collection of vital signs data, identification of the history and later the evaluation of typical or not typical chest pain (if present, perform the electrocardiogram - ECG). The typical pain characterizes angina or myocardial infarction, resembling a tightness or oppression in the chest and for this reason the ECG must be performed, in order to rule out the possibility of some disease that the patient may progress to death. After that, the Chest Pain Protocol must be completed, determining the clinical signs, risk factors and main complaint. This way, the patient will be forwarded correctly according to the result of the classification soon after communicating the doctor responsible for the shift. The protocol, when followed efficiently, reduces superfluous hospitalizations in 68% of cases, which leads to a reduction in costs, in addition to improving the well-being of patients. The protocol is relevant as it helps in the evaluation of patients who need immediate treatment, according to their risk potential, health problems or degree of suffering.

  • Maria Eduarda Barros Guimarães
  • Gabriel Fernandes de Freitas
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