Artigo - Atena Editora


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Introduction: Pick's disease is a health condition that affects younger people compared to Alzheimer's disease, occurring in individuals under 65 years of age and, therefore, a difficult diagnosis for the patient and their family (GONÇALVES S, et al., 2019). Objective: Review the relationship between frontotemporal atrophy and Pick's disease. Result: Pick's disease is a rare neurodegenerative condition that affects younger people and is characterized by disinhibited behavior, irritability, and initial preservation of some cognitive functions. Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and changes in brain imaging, and, unfortunately, there is no definitive treatment available at this time (GIFFONI A, et al., 2023). Conclusion: The main focus of treatment is managing symptoms and promoting the patient's quality of life. This may include occupational therapy, psychological support and medical assistance to control specific symptoms, such as aggression or impulsivity (GONÇALVES S, et al., 2019).

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Cognitive impairment; Pick's disease; Lobar Atrophy of the Brain

  • Keywords: Cognitive impairment; Pick's disease; Lobar Atrophy of the Brain

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Pick's disease is a health condition that affects younger people compared to Alzheimer's disease, occurring in individuals under 65 years of age and, therefore, a difficult diagnosis for the patient and their family (GONÇALVES S, et al., 2019). Objective: Review the relationship between frontotemporal atrophy and Pick's disease. Result: Pick's disease is a rare neurodegenerative condition that affects younger people and is characterized by disinhibited behavior, irritability, and initial preservation of some cognitive functions. Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and changes in brain imaging, and, unfortunately, there is no definitive treatment available at this time (GIFFONI A, et al., 2023). Conclusion: The main focus of treatment is managing symptoms and promoting the patient's quality of life. This may include occupational therapy, psychological support and medical assistance to control specific symptoms, such as aggression or impulsivity (GONÇALVES S, et al., 2019).

  • Samanttha Cristina da Silva Chaves
  • Alicia Viviana Mendez
  • Adrian Emanuel Rosales Mendez
  • Bianca Aparecida Gonçalves
  • André Luiz de Jesus Mendes
  • Camila Bruck de Siqueira
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