Like all subjects in the national territory, indigenous people have socialization needs, however, due to their quantity, as a minority, and in an unfavorable cultural situation in relation to non-indigenous people, prejudice prevails in the Brazilian social imaginary. By induction, they then try to assume the other's position, hoping to get out of a frame of invisibility due to their differences. As a result, they suffer the imposition of renouncing the greatest cultural asset of a people, which is their language, which results in the extinction of knowledge, with the systematic use of a discursive domain in the imposition of a false uniformity. The challenges presented by an intricate social and linguistic context - and here we look at the border region of Mato Grosso do Sul with Paraguay and the indigenous populations that live there, motivated this study to analyze the linguistic diversity and the need for linguistic studies to prioritization in the school context with a critical intercultural approach in their didactic practice. To do so, we base ourselves on Troquez (2012-2013), Cavalcanti (2013), Souza (2010), Aguilera Urquiza (2013-217), Todorov (2003) and on official documents from the 1988 Constitution in which they determine the legal support for indigenous culture and education. This in defense of reflections on the conflicts arising from “pluri” or “multi” cultural spaces, focusing on the existing contradictions in the relations between different societies and, equally, discriminated against languages.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.21622622131210
Palavras-chave: Culture; Differences; Knowledge; Linguistics; Education
Keywords: Culture; Differences; Knowledge; Linguistics; Education
Like all subjects in the national territory, indigenous people have socialization needs, however, due to their quantity, as a minority, and in an unfavorable cultural situation in relation to non-indigenous people, prejudice prevails in the Brazilian social imaginary. By induction, they then try to assume the other's position, hoping to get out of a frame of invisibility due to their differences. As a result, they suffer the imposition of renouncing the greatest cultural asset of a people, which is their language, which results in the extinction of knowledge, with the systematic use of a discursive domain in the imposition of a false uniformity. The challenges presented by an intricate social and linguistic context - and here we look at the border region of Mato Grosso do Sul with Paraguay and the indigenous populations that live there, motivated this study to analyze the linguistic diversity and the need for linguistic studies to prioritization in the school context with a critical intercultural approach in their didactic practice. To do so, we base ourselves on Troquez (2012-2013), Cavalcanti (2013), Souza (2010), Aguilera Urquiza (2013-217), Todorov (2003) and on official documents from the 1988 Constitution in which they determine the legal support for indigenous culture and education. This in defense of reflections on the conflicts arising from “pluri” or “multi” cultural spaces, focusing on the existing contradictions in the relations between different societies and, equally, discriminated against languages.
- Antônio Hilario Aguilera Urquiza
- José Paulo GUTIERREZ