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Disneyfication in Manhuaçu, Brazil: Coffee castle

Coffee drives a large part of the commodity trade in Brazil. The economy of Manhuaçu, MG is focused on the production, processing and export of this grain. For this reason, a tourist circuit was created in the region and Manhuaçu was inserted through the building known as Coffee castle, a building with extravagant, anachronistic and controversial architecture, without historical reference to regional and local coffee production, but with similar aspects. to medieval European castles. In tourism, this fact is called “Disneyfication”. With that, the objective of this work was to carry out a critical analysis of Coffee castle. For that, studies were carried out on predatory and sustainable tourism, disneyfication and the coffee vernacular architecture. Secondly, Coffee castle was analyzed and compared to a coffee farm in Manhuaçu, showing how much its architecture differs from the traditional architecture of farms in the Region of ``Matas de Minas``.

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Disneyfication in Manhuaçu, Brazil: Coffee castle

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163222330081

  • Palavras-chave: Architecture and urbanism; Tourism; Coffee; Manhuaçu.

  • Keywords: Architecture and urbanism; Tourism; Coffee; Manhuaçu.

  • Abstract:

    Coffee drives a large part of the commodity trade in Brazil. The economy of Manhuaçu, MG is focused on the production, processing and export of this grain. For this reason, a tourist circuit was created in the region and Manhuaçu was inserted through the building known as Coffee castle, a building with extravagant, anachronistic and controversial architecture, without historical reference to regional and local coffee production, but with similar aspects. to medieval European castles. In tourism, this fact is called “Disneyfication”. With that, the objective of this work was to carry out a critical analysis of Coffee castle. For that, studies were carried out on predatory and sustainable tourism, disneyfication and the coffee vernacular architecture. Secondly, Coffee castle was analyzed and compared to a coffee farm in Manhuaçu, showing how much its architecture differs from the traditional architecture of farms in the Region of ``Matas de Minas``.

  • Arthur Zanuti Franklin
  • Igor David Silva
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