Design and fabrication of a prototype fluidized bed dryer for species
This project shows the development of a fluidized bed dryer prototype design for the Tecamachalco Technological University laboratories. The fluidized bed dryer prototype was built with a manageable and disassembled size. To dry 5 g quantities and evaluate times, temperature and drying speed with a low cost of electricity consumption. The drying technologies are evaluated for given time, temperature, humidity and speed of drying species, whose objective is to design and build a fluidized bed dryer to dry 5 g of a wet sample, applying the reuse of materials (Circular Economy) to reduce the construction cost. We start with the methodological scheme applied for the design, engineering analysis of each part of the equipment, construction and functional test of fluidized bed equipment in laboratory scale. As a result, the equipment will operate between temperatures of 50°C to 70°C, adjustable speeds between 4 to 11 m /s, drying time 4 hours, consumption of 1.7 kW/h, allowing homogeneous drying of the product. The dryer is automated by means of arduinos that send digital signals to LCD screens and also control the resistors by means of thermostats that perform automatic temperature control and air flow control, in order to handle different speeds.
Design and fabrication of a prototype fluidized bed dryer for species
Palavras-chave: fluidized bed; energy; dryer; laboratory equipment.
Keywords: fluidized bed; energy; dryer; laboratory equipment.
This project shows the development of a fluidized bed dryer prototype design for the Tecamachalco Technological University laboratories. The fluidized bed dryer prototype was built with a manageable and disassembled size. To dry 5 g quantities and evaluate times, temperature and drying speed with a low cost of electricity consumption. The drying technologies are evaluated for given time, temperature, humidity and speed of drying species, whose objective is to design and build a fluidized bed dryer to dry 5 g of a wet sample, applying the reuse of materials (Circular Economy) to reduce the construction cost. We start with the methodological scheme applied for the design, engineering analysis of each part of the equipment, construction and functional test of fluidized bed equipment in laboratory scale. As a result, the equipment will operate between temperatures of 50°C to 70°C, adjustable speeds between 4 to 11 m /s, drying time 4 hours, consumption of 1.7 kW/h, allowing homogeneous drying of the product. The dryer is automated by means of arduinos that send digital signals to LCD screens and also control the resistors by means of thermostats that perform automatic temperature control and air flow control, in order to handle different speeds.
- Gustavo Vera Cruz
- Lorena Hernández Velázquez
- Joel Flores Benavides
- José Jacinto Sánchez Ramírez
- Rosalba López Vázquez
- Oscar Damián Camarillo García
- Manuel González Pérez