Design of a neuro rehabilitation protocol with ecological validity for the postural control of children with Down syndrome
Design of a neuro rehabilitation protocol with ecological validity for the postural control of children with Down syndrome
Palavras-chave: Control postural, Validez Ecológica, Neurorrehabilitación y Síndrome de Down.
Keywords: Postural control, Ecological Validity, Neuro rehabilitation and Down Syndrome.
This research aims to design a neuro rehabilitation protocol with ecological validity for postural control in children with Down Syndrome - DS. A mixed method with DITRIAC design was applied, through a quantitative phase: systematized review of scientific articles, published in the last 10 years, on topics related to exercises to improve postural control; and a qualitative phase: focus groups with (1) 5 experts with theoretical-practical experience on the research topic, and with (2) 8 families of children with DS who have received neuro rehabilitation treatment. The results indicate that: (a) the population under study must be characterized to identify strengths and difficulties related to postural control, (b) it is important to educate the support network in the neuro rehabilitation process, (c) They must recognize the daily environments of children to apply neuro rehabilitation exercises, (d) it is necessary to adapt, propose and implement neuro rehabilitation strategies from the real environment, (e) they must have the support and monitoring of professionals and (f) propose continuous adjustments if necessary to the application of the protocol. In conclusion, a neuro rehabilitation protocol with ecological validity emphasizes real, natural and systemic environments.
- Steve Fernando Pedraza Vargas
- María Fernanda Pérez Torres
- Martha Liliana Nieto
- Angélica María Aldana Casas