Dios en las Constituciones colombianas: del Estado confesional al Estado laico
Dios en las Constituciones colombianas: del Estado confesional al Estado laico
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163312322118
Palavras-chave: Estado, laico, iglesia, católico, escuela, maestro, Dios, Constitución.
Keywords: State, secular, church, catholic, school, teacher, God, Constitution.
Abstract: In this paper we take a tour of Colombian constitutionalism from the Constitution of 1821 to that of 1991, trying to visualize the references that the constituents made around God in each historical moment in the understanding of "God as a source of authority", thus such as the rights and freedoms granted to the citizen in relation to the recognition of cults. In this journey, we stop at the Constitution of 1863 to make an analysis around the project that the radical liberals tried to launch from the neutrality of the State in religious matters, and their ideal of a free citizen endowed with a secular thought. In the same way, we identified the reasons that the conservative sectors, as well as the Catholic Church, had to face this nation project and the consequences that this confrontation left for the country's institutions. Consequently, we turned to the Constitution of 1886, which was presented as a project opposed to what was tried to do through the Constitution of 1863: to project the idea of a citizen in adherence to Catholic morality in embrace with the legacy of the ancient Spanishness. Finally, we analyze the Constitution of 1991, which fights for a secular State but recognizing and guaranteeing the freedom of worship in all its orders, to which, and for this, we will highlight the activity of the Constitutional Court in terms of its scope and development. to the postulates of the Political Charter in relation to the religious factor.
- Martha Oliva Muñoz Yunda